Claimed area bug at official pvp#1312

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: BUG
Server type: PVP - #1312
Region: EU

We’re builing a base at F10 on top of a game building which is allowed on other servers. We’re able to build base all around but I guess there is a bug, game says area is claimed at the center. We logged in and out several times (it fixes sometimes) but still the same. It’s not possible to be claimed because we claimed the area already and there is nothing around.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. We found an empty spot (which we used in other servers)
  2. We checked that it’s not claimed and started to build
  3. At the center it said it’s already claimed
  4. We searched everywhere it should be a bug
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Hey @Paganita

Welcome to our community.
Could you share a picture (privately if needed) about this issue so we can help determine what’s happening in that spot?
Thanks in advance.

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Thank you. I just saw this post sorry for my late reply.
I’m not allowed to add picture or link to my post. I don’t know how can I send you picture? Maybe you can send me PM and I can reply?
We builded our base here but couldn’t finish it because game said it’s claimed. We searched everywhere and waited more than a week if there were a single foundation or smt like that it whould be decayed already since now. There should be a bug or smt like that. PVP - #1312
Thank you

Can’t mention support who didn’t answer for 9 days.
Can’t send link/photo or any other thing supporting my problem.
Can’t open a ticket or something like that about ingame problems.
What should I do to get a support for the game please?

Paganita, a workaround for posting a picture is save it on Imgur or a similar free posting site and paste the link here. After you do that, add a space somewhere in the URL, fooling the system that has determined you are too new to post pics.

An alternative is that (possibly), @Ignasi can elevate your rank on the forums so you can upload a screenshot directly.

You are correct about trouble tickets; Funcom does not have the resources to administrate every server they provide for us.

I hope this has helped, but if not, feel free to ask more :slight_smile:



Hello Jim and Ragnaguard,

No there is no tablet on the top it’s close to new Asagard just between two small camps near the lake.
Good advice :slight_smile: here you can see: /

Hi, Paganita.

Unfortunately, that is on your local machine and none of us have access to it (thankfully).

Can you post those two on Imgur, or a similar free website? That is the URL we need, with a space, perhaps somewhere inside ‘http’. I do not have that limitation, so can’t check it out, but perhaps …

ht tps://



Just add https:// before and

Or nvm we already started to a new base :unamused:

No, to your first statement. It is still local to your machine.

Building a new base will be fun to design and erect !

Best of game :slight_smile:



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