Clan member died during crash

Game mode: [Online official]
Type of issue: [Bug]
Server type: [PvP]
Region: [EU]

First off: I started to write this 2 nights ago roughly at 4 am. Please keep that in mind.

One of my clanmates experiences crashes and lags a lot - and not even 5 mins ago, that player died before my eyes. Told me about another crash happening after I asked about it. Was very confused when I told about the toon having died in front of me without any reason at all.

It seems like falling unconsious can kill a toon? Is that true? :astonished:
Because that toon was recently fed and not thirsty at all.

My guess is that this isnt related to the crash, but rather a general problem with toon falling unconsious.
I guess the risk of that happening is really low.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Play with a friend or whomever.
  2. Have said person experience a crash (or log out?).
  3. Wonder why the toon dies instead of falling unconsious like they usually would do.
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thats not good to hear … in my solo game ,sometimes it works for at least 2 hours with no crash, and other times it crashes every 15mins lol… (now i am worried for when i start playing online) :slight_smile:

but do you know if it still lets your friend log back into the game again, with the same character and items, (maybe it is just looking to you that they died… but if they still keep their character and items, and it lets you loot their body, then that is kind of a duplication bug too).

No that clanmate woke up nude. The toon really died.

I think sp might come with higher number of crashes. As far as I have seen, that clanmate doesnt have them multiple times per hour too often, this is why I think so.
And dont fear playing online… It might be fun to you. :wink:

ah ok,
oh yes i like the idea of online (especially pve), its just that because my computer is quite old, thats what causes most crashes lol :slight_smile: (it might also be lots of mods and not much memory, but hey, we have to start somewhere, so i thought solo lets me learn lots before anything else, especially before pvp :slight_smile:

@Tascha I get to post some additional information including a screenshot of eventlog.

I thought there is no need to tell who died, so I put a black bar on those names.
As you can see, one clanmember died more or less directly after server restart.

Yes it’s in cold area. However, not extreme cold or colder. (I know that place throughougly and he lied there for several hours before (3-5 hours) without loosing HP or becoming swiftly hungry or thirsty.)

Could the time fit with the toon having died due to being spawned in unconscious state, then the corpse decaying (15 min) and ultimately the bag decaying? It has been 40 minutes, wouldnt that fit? Even more since that server seems to take a long time restarting. (Rarely finished after those 5 minutes.)
Could the devs run 10.000 times of toons falling unconsious to “prove” it’s not related to that?

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