Cleaning up my act plus a surprising twist

I sincerely doubt that PVP needs stricter rules, but that’s moot anyway, because you’re not arguing about the strictness of the rules, you’re arguing about the specificity of the letter of the rules.

Is it really a problem? Or are you just trying to paint it as a problem?

You know when it becomes a problem? When you have too many contradictory cases. If you build 5 small defense towers and I build 5 small defense towers and they’re pretty much the same kind of build, and if we both get reported but only you get banned for it, that’s a pair of contradictory cases. If there’s a consistent pattern of those, that’s a problem.

Right now you’re only speculating about hypotheticals.

@Sera67 already explained what’s wrong with it: if they say “200”, someone will get reported for “201” and someone will complain for getting banned for “199”.

Or in your case, if they say “unique”, every chucklehead who paved over the brimstone nodes in Shattered Springs will feel validated, because those nodes are not unique.

What then? When do they stop going into more and more detail about how and why people shouldn’t be dicks to each other? :slight_smile:

Of course, they could include a phrase along the lines of “including but not limited to preventing the respawn of unique resources”, but we’ve already seen that phrasing of that sort is just not enough for people who complain about how rules are vague.

What people don’t get is that this is not the same thing as real-world laws. Like I said, real world has laws, and courts, and lawyers, attorneys, counsels, etc. There are law schools and public records and dockets and whatnot. I imagine that if Funcom tried, they could make a system like that, but that’s not free, so why should they? I would rather have them spend time, money, and effort on the game itself, rather than a body of case law or a system of arbitrage. :man_shrugging:

Um, no, that wasn’t serious. But that just illustrates my point: if you couldn’t tell that I wasn’t being serious, then you still don’t understand the difference between the letter of a rule and the spirit of a rule, and no amount of specificity in the letter of the rule will satisfy you.