The first two photos are screenshots of my base before logging off last night. The third is what I logged into this morning. All GONE!!! except for a floating Aquillonian Brazier, why just one? I had 15 of them.
This is over two weeks of building on my Co-Op server where no one else plays. After running around the server it seems it was only Stormglass that disappeared. My friend said that the Jhebbal Sag event ended last night and this could be due to the update. He was also missing Stormglass builds.
Is it possible for the Devs to role back and I can get my building back or am I just SOL? Its pretty heartbreaking to put so much work into something and “poof” its gone? …and to make it worse I had this build on a dedicated server which is no more so this was me rebuilding on a server where I would always have it.
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This would be hard to pinpoint and it isn’t out of the possibility of any update affecting the game as updates to the build system have caused similar issues in the past. But it wasn’t widespread which tells me it’s something else.
Being that it is a dedicated server you do have the option to rollback yourself as long as you keep backups, may be too late for that.