Combat and animation canceling

Hello everyone, i am making this post to figure out a solution for some of the combat breaking mechanics and try to create some awareness about combat and how it currently runs.

[Current meta, as i know it]
The combat is focused a lot around poison arrows and the spear weapon but also has some cheese animation canceling tricks you can do with two handed weapons like the sword and the hammer.

[Animation canceling]
Animation canceling is when you have a weapon equipped and you start a combo, after the first hit connects you then cancel it by unequipping your weapon. This stops the combo instantly and you can then do it again really fast. In my opinion this is not supposed to work like this!

It makes the game combat feel wonky and when you die to it in pvp, you don’t really see what happens to you. of course when you do the tricks yourself, you can see clearly what is happening and that makes it even worse for the experience in pvp and pve combat.

The fix for this is really easy to make and i’m really surprised that it has not been done yet! There need to be a delay when you put your weapons away and then you equip them again. There could even be a animation in this that prevents you form moving or attacking instantly again. This needs to be fixed!

We have done some dual where we do not animation cancel and i must say it works way better! You should how ever still be able to move while doing light attacks, in my opinion!

You can also use one handed axe and the throwing axes. The throwing axe can slow your enemy and you can then cut them down. That is not to bad and you don’t really abuse animation canceling. I do think that the slow need to be a little better or last longer, it can be a little difficult to make your attack connect.

One handed sword is really bad right now in pvp and pve. Light attacks are to slow and you should be able to preform them while moving. You can land a heavy attack after slowing people but it only works like 10% of the time.

The shield is ok right now, it only needs some small adjustments. If you hit a shield and you don’t have an effect that breaks the shield or sunders then you should get shocked more by it. Currently you just have a short 1 sec shock and then you can just continue hitting.

[New mechanic, nice to have]
I really think that if you are fighting with a sword you should be able to parry. I don’t know about disarm but parry definitely.

It could be automated. For instance, if you swing with the same attack animation both of you and it connects then the swords should parry and knock both players back. I just don’t know what should happen if you have a sword and you parry some one with a different weapon type? I would love some ideas on this.

[Things that should be changed, must have]

There needs to be a limit on you equipment you can have in your hotbar, one main hand weapon and maybe two offhand weapons. There needs to be a low cooldown on equipping weapons to your hotbar! The cool down should add up for every item starting form the 1 slot.

When you equip items to your hotbar, they should be visible on your character. Like one handed weapons on the side, two handed weapons on the back and shield on the back.

Tools (pick, axe, touch, truncheon and so on) should be in your belt, allowed to be in the hotbar together with your primary and secondary’s.

The animation canceling needs to be stopped in general. There need to be a delay when you put your weapons away and then you equip them again. There could even be a animation in this that prevents you form moving or attacking instantly again.

[What do you think?]

I know this was a long post but i feel that it need to be addressed. What do you guys think? and give us some nice suggestions :slight_smile:

don’t just say “i dont like it!” Help the game and give some feedback :slight_smile:


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Its nice that you’re posting this, I always thought the collision hit on our toons should be more noticeable, sometimes we can’t even tell when we got a hit mid fight, the “hurt” move when we/npc’s take hits should be more visible and have a bit longer duration.

Yes! They are godawful slow now! I used to love 1H Swords, but now they’re totally useless, they do less dmg than 2handers, and are slower than Hammers and Greatswords, I really hope FC revert them.

Not only with a sword, but other weapons too, I remember Joel Bylos (creative director of the game) saying that Parry is a difficult system to implement due to “Lag”. But then again, I could see parry working the same way as Block with shields, just make it less effective, you still receive X dmg when you parry the attacks.

I don’t think this would be good because with 8 slots its not that easy already, you have to plan and how to use all the utilities and weapons on the hotbar.

To solve the animation cancelling problem, instead of a cooldown like you said, they just need to implement an animation of sheathing weapons, like the same way we have to unsheath them, to put it away, you do a Sheath animation, so this would make the player spends the same time unsheathing and sheathing again like he would have to wait for the end of the combo animation = no more weapon cancelling.

And guess what? with this animation addition = visible sheathed weapons! Since FC is adding more and more animations with updates, this would totally make sense. Make it happen Funcom!

For the ones that don’t like visible sheathed weapons, having a toogle on/off for that would be win/win.

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Something i suggested when the forums launched, not many people were interested, i think for combat we should be able to move while the strikes/combat animations play, blocks for every weapon and of course sprint/charge attacks. A real inventory system would be better imho, most people use one type of weapon so why not have a real inventory slot system for weapons like we have for armor. But as i said almost no one was interested back then.

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I really like this idea actually, like having a character slot for your main hand and offhand. Then you could also restrict the cd to that slot only and make the items visible on your character.

The main thin i want it for people not to be able to switch weapons mid combat or limit the choice a little. Because, the game becomes a instant mess of rock, paper, scissors and you can most of the time not even see what killed you.

There are also people using macros to swap between weapon types. However, i see this more as cheating then anything else -_-

I don’t mind the weapon switching if we have a main and secondary slot of weapons, like your main weapon is a sword and shield and the secondary is a bow, although you need 2 slots for a 1h and a shield. I do find it immersion breaking for when me and people have 5 different weapons in the action bar and i can switch to any of them.

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