Combat changes are here to Stay, Funcom doesnt cares

Then I really need to question how you fight. For me I’m aiming at my opponent and attacking where they were not were they are. As in I aim at them click to attack, track them with my reticle and attack behind them, where they were when I clicked the attack not where they are now.

I have to ask, have any of you actually watched sword fighting? Not the staged one’s you see in movies, actual Olympic fencing. Those people can 180 during an attack.
Yes I know “don’t talk realism in a game”. Ok, I’m not really playing right now because fighting isn’t fun. Before I felt like I was interacting with my advisory, now I feel like I am hitting buttons and the game is interacting badly with the advisory.

The issue I see is the option to face enemy on attack doesn’t work. My character attacks the same whether it’s on or not. So obviously isn’t working. Well, unless you click Q, then it works just fine.

Even though the forum usually only has maybe 10% of the player base on it, it is a good representation of the player base.

Using your logic both the nemedian foundation fix and thralls decay away in a day were ok because 90% of the players weren’t on the forum raising hell. What people miss is the percent of the silent majority that quit the game when we have a bad update. The majority of the people that quit this game because of something going wrong will never complain, never post in the forum or discord. At most they might leave a game review on the way out the door.

Now unless funcom want’s to Email or put a link on the start up page for a poll/questioner, we wont know what the silent majority think. What we do know is 88% of the loud minority want the previous fighting mechanic back.

And just who would that be news too :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Apparently you can’t though, cause that adds up to 29%, not 37%. 23 + 6 = 29. Unless of course you were throwing in the people who play with a gamepad to fluff your numbers a bit.

Which I get. Again, I’ve had trouble admitting I was wrong on the internet in the past before too. :wink:

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That’s a bold assumption. From the amount of bazaar/bp complaints here, you’d think they’d shut it down then… or is it actually quite profitable?… The opinions here are of the opinionated, no more. Says nothing about the bulk of players.

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Look at the upload date of the video:

  1. Back then it was considered an exploit. Now we have it as a feature in the game.

Which in and of it’s self is an opinion.

I’ve never played PVP, still recall no difference in battle.

6% mouse and keyboard ok.
8% controller ok.
23% did not notice anything.

That is 37%.

Of course it is! Look, if you hate the game, you know where the door is. You don’t need everyone to go with you. Some may join you, but we both know, there are a lot of people that still enjoy the game, and plenty that make it financially successful.

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Considering Funcom’s purpose for making this change was to address a serious bug, this is not such a terrible tradeoff to be honest. :person_shrugging:t4:

When I first came to CE during Early Access it was straight from controller play on the PS4. My first clan said they’d never seen anyone fight or move like I did, and I tried to explain it that I “smear” the keys and move into the attack, rather than point and shoot.

Second, I’m a tennis player, and am used to the idea that, despite it being a combo of range and melee, a good majority of the game is body positioning. I do feel bad for the people having a hard time with this change, and can only recommend (again) that they restart from the Cross and use only scrounged weapons. They might be very shocked and delighted.


check wak pool, and tell me if over 1400 votes is something not representative. 200 votes for this forum is also representative , and it is called a way to measure the feeling, its a sample, that represent a larger minority. wak pool was much larger. again you can tell the temperature of things , you will never find pools that has 100% of everupme participating.

and about the pool if you feel it so irrelevant, why did you voted on the one here? why waste your time? did you also voted in waks? results are in , lets now try to bring down any importance or relevance because i dont like the numbers? is that what this is all about?

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I had to zoom to believe what i read…

I was laughing for about 3 minutes Darth…
Well, this forum is full of surprises, never stops :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Omg, i am still laughing sorry, but it was good… Omg… Anyway

About the battle changes i have something to say but i am not sure if i hit the bone, it’s just a speculation.
I will speak ONLY for pve because @SirDaveWolf is covering excellent the pvp problems.
I believe that they tried to make it difficult for low levels even for experienced players.
In this effort something went wrong or it’s just unfinished, i don’t know, i really cannot say. In many points the attacks seem bugged, a player will experience now even teleport hits from scorpions, it’s a bit annoying to the limits of frustrating.
A couple days ago i started a challenge on twitch to learn sorcery. I do it on normal difficulty (decadent) on single player. I do understand that progression without weapons is difficult. Then i remember from Spheris saying that even in single player broadcast creates lags and i experience this too.
But the dmg we accept is non canonical, i really cannot understand how the same archer (npc) can do so different dmg, i mean a hit of 10 hp and a hit of 100 hp. I must have died so far 50 times :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
In this journey i found out something new, something that did tried so far and it touches the limits of op. The Abyssal rhino. An absolute beast that you can ride in a hallway and stop a full lvl 10 purge. It has endless stamina on hits and it pushes back the opponents. So all you have to do is spam attack standing still in a hallway of a single foundation and nothing can cross.
I am not complaining, just saying!
So although i could end this challenge just with the rhino, as soon my first one dismissed, i didn’t fix another one.
So no matter if multiple dodge exists and agilty is stronger than any other time.
No matter if the game hide op surprises that someone can use and be victorious.
The last battle system lacks…
Lacks of perfection?
Lacks of attention?
I can’t say. I am not sure what to choose, yet someone can easily say both.
It needs work.
On high lvls and end gear the game seems the same, but it’s not, not even close.

Ps. Once you said that i am a saint.
My friend @darthphysicist, if i am a saint then you’re The god!


No one here has made any statement saying bugs should not be fixed. I can’t speak for darth, but I believe he generally agrees with what I said before:

Which is the same position I’ve taken in other threads about the combat changes. Thus far no one has tried to debate it, in any of those threads. But I’ve also not seen very much understanding what those three issues are from those complaining the most.

LOL at you, twist the numbers as much as you want. they do not reflect what you said. you cant add that 23% as it was some kind of support to the change, it is NOT,. it is also not added to the people who did not like it, so , it has it own space in that pool.
14% like
62% dislike
23% did not notice (do not care) /

thats how you properly read those numbers. there is NO other right way to do it

people who like it is 14%

people who do not care , or did not notice : 23%

people dislike it 62% (yes SIXTY TWO PERCENT) did you got that number right? that is called a landslide anywhere.

62 % of [peopple who casted their votes are in total disagrement with you… 62% of over 1400 votes , and 87% of the 200 also believes the change as bad.

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Because I got nothing better to do when looking at the forum than click a button… that doesnt mean I particularly care about the result. Sometimes I even respond opposite to what I think; polls have this nasty way of being wrong.

Nothing against Wak, but I’m not a stream watcher, nor are any of my friends. The prople who play games and have a fun time are the ones I tune into when there is a twitch drop and then I turn it back off. I appreciate that streamers who do reviews are trying to inform people about what to expect when choosing to play a game but that is just their opinion and they tend to keep viewers that share their opinions (why tune back in afterall if not like minded?). A lot of streamers (not saying Wak is one of them) rush to make a review to be the first and as a result report incomplete assessments. If someone’s review says “the new combat sucks!” and its based on bugs instead of the intended changes, well… I’d be hard pressed to take their opinion seriously anymore. People draw their own conclusions. I can understand not liking bugs, but until the next hotfix, I think people’s complaints about the “new combat” are a bit premature. We all drew conclusions about building on boss spawns because of despawning legendary chests, and look how that aged.


things will be different is they actually bring changes in a more polished state, not just before going to vacation with a ton of things broken. why player have to endure that BS, because of QA incompetence, or the need to rush things that clearly needed more work?

people criticize what we see and experience,. i dont need to wait for next hotfix to see if a change is good or bad,… i dont need to annouce camels then launch it , and you cant use em (Without a mod) it took 24 hours for a modder to fix those issues, how on earth funcom could not hotfix things quick? no one knows.

the combat changes as they are NOW sucks , and most people seems to agree with it, do not make changes (that none asked for) just before a holiday break, do not launch changes without this being properly fixed., god damm it, STOP the incompetence… and i am not oging into the crom coin fiasco, a worthless PVE fortress that simply lags out, or launching the yamatai bar at the BLB where the pillows where thralls sit are broken (patrons wont use it)… enough is enough, i love the game, love the building system, but this degree of developer stupidity needs to stop. do wish they start taking this game seriously, and or put people that can implemente a pipeline where the whole patching process improve and allow for better patches. as it is now, its just terrible,

anyone and most people out there gets stressed out when funcom announces a new age and new stuff. becasue we know they will break a lot of things.

botton line most people did NOT like the combat changes as they are right now,… do hope they revert back and fix, put things in testlive,. so people can test and issues solved before pushing something like this to the live servers.

there is nothing against anyone in particular, attacks goes to the corporation not individuals, (at least not against those who are not responsible) i still support them with my wallet, that does not makes me someone who cant see reality, or are you going to deny there was a crom coin problem? that the fortress has performance issues? or the combat changes beeen disliked by at least a large number of people. ? will you just say that this was actually a good patch? that it is ok to announce a new mount and it does not work? and to sell a yamatai tavern for 20 bucks and the pillows that are used as seat does not work with patrons? maybe lacks the animations for it?

as someone who supports this game with my wallet and my money i think i have earn the right to point out things that i think are bad, or to have an opinion regarding changes, i

in the end it is funcom to decide if they revert changes, or if they fix things they broken, or do whatever they want, its their game, but people should have the right to express the opinion wihtout having to deal with labels,… (of any kind). this is a discussion forum, not a lick developers butt, or a place to attack people lives, (i can understand frustration ) people should be free to criticize their work, or end results, we all do… everywhere… so obviously this is not a place for people with thin skin (developer or not)

Can you explain me why after this change i haven’t seen anyone building on 3 skull and destroying spawns?
Well… Because there’s nothing to hurt others anymore, that’s why they don’t do it.
Blocking obelisks, the whole damn brimstone lake :man_facepalming:, destroying spawns and other goodies were done for one reason only. To troll the others, no other.
Very rare, people were building on boss spawns because they loved the area and not for trolling. But it’s so rare like the exeption in each rule. I know this because of @JJDancer. She had a beautiful facility on Murielas hope.
JJ was not a troll.


It may seem like a quibble, but bugs are not a combat change. The actual changes will not be reverted but the bugs will be fixed. There was a testlive/beta client period, but bugs have no respect for that. They have this habit of happening when fixes are all that’s intended.

Yeah that’s why I dont play on public servers. People do things just to make others miserable. Funcom knew tho that they were moving the chests and stopped banning for it in anticipation of it. We were all aghast and confused why it couldnt possibly be against the rules… only to find out that our objections to the policy change were soon moot.


i have seen funcom reverting back stuff , not a common thing but it has happened.

we will see, if they listen to what tha majority of people are asking. (at least on the public side of things)

clear example of that is that they reverted the change of the fence foundations, they understood how it will affect the building aspect of the game . and creativity and simply went back to that change.


the dungeon set has bugs, things do not align well, Really bad implementation, adn the yamatai set has also issues… with the pillows (seat) patrons cant use them. so sitting is broken for patrons on that set.
yup, another instance of launghing bazaar stuff that is broken, this reflrects lack of testing (again)…

Still not convinced the fence foundation was full intentional. It has had the same behavior twice in beta client, some architecture allowing skinning and some not. Also in both cases had workarounds to still use it the old way. In both cases in Live it went back to normal. If it was an intentional change and both times reverted, that would mean Funcom is actually thinking, “Do they like it now?!” I think not.