Combat_TestLive_US1_PVP MOBS and NPCS

As the title says, the test server NPCS and MOBS are floating and disappearing and reappearing near you. Aside from jumping down a cliff, the NPCS and MOBS will pursue you by clipping through the mesh, or floating. I have reported this issue before. I do not know if the server needs a reset to fix this issue? It was resolved for about a week, but now the issue is back.

Has anyone looked at this issue yet?

Hey @Father_Murphy

That’s a common issue when the server hasn’t been restarted for a while even in live servers, or also during big stress points. It should be fixed now that the servers have been restarted.

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer this. Question, are the servers set to auto restart on certain days or times? Or do they have to be manually restarted?

They’re manually restarted as they’re internally handled for testing purposes :slight_smile:

Thanks for the answer Ignasis. I will keep you updated on anything else I find.

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