Combat Thrall and Archer

the slaves are stuck at a combo, the archers have an arrow, for him to continue shooting or hitting he himself must be hit even in aggressive status unless they are told to come back and he puts away his weapon he can hit or shoot again

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Greetings @Mudokon ,

Can you, please, confirm if you’re playing on official server, private or single-player?

If possible, please, add a video as well where we can verify the reported behavior.

Thank you in advance!


i have had this problem up. It is on a official server.

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yes I am of course official server, pve eu

Is there a bow in the thralls’ inventories?

If I recall there’s always been issues with thralls switching from ranged to melee.

I’m sorry I’m not sure what this means in terms of my question. I see your 2 thralls with melee weapons, but do they have bows in their inventories? If they do, maybe try removing the bows when you go out fighting like this and see if that helps.