The new amazing living settlement update is just getting worse. The thralls and tavern patrons just keep on walking in and out of my base gate so anyone can walk in with them. My workers block my doorways and even if i move them somewhere else so they aren’t physically there they still block it. It took me a second to figure out why i wasn’t getting through a doorway, the game thought the thrall was still there so i just deleted the poor guy and the issue wen’t away. Restarting the game after moving a thrall works as well but come on… Every time?
And what do the thralls do now after the big improvement? Well, basically nothing. Most of mine just stand on a specific table in my tavern and few of them walk back and forth while some eat and that’s it. It’s been more of a nuisance than an improvement.
There’s just nothing in this game anymore that makes you want to actually play. The new heroes are weak and getting Freya is a huge amount of work for basically nothing. Of course you do it once to see the whole thing through but why would anyone do it again, ever? Exactly, no reason. So please Funcom, try to come up with something new that isn’t just a one time thing like the fortress and the new fighters. Something that has longevity and affects the gameplay in a way that makes it interesting instead of destroying PvP and making the game boring.
I want Classic Conan Exiles from pre-Sorcery. The game has consistently gotten worse with every update starting from the first Sorcery update and I’m tired of being unable to play the game I purchased. What we have now isn’t what I paid for… it’s an absolute mess and a shadow of what it once was. They need to fire that Douthett guy and get someone in there that will do what needs to be done.
Ya I hear there are console players that can’t log in, didn’t know you were a console player.
Considering I’ve played since it dropped this is what I got when I gave funcom my money. In all this time it has never lived up to the hype, no update was ever met expectations.
Conan is 4X the game it started as. But that is hard to see through the 10X of bugs.
What needs to be done is to get a bunch of coders in that know what they are doing and rebuild the game right on Unreal 6.
Unreal 6 looks like it was hyped into existence. Nvidia says to move over to UE5.5. There are some manual steps to install it, so automating that part makes progress.
Main difference is support for more controllers. And, a cookie. Makes sense, for debug.
Funny how people insist in doing the same thing and thinking it is a genius idea.
I guess it is really that hard to have good memory.
It is like the whole “World of Warcraft classic thing”. Classic has NOTHING to do with the vanilla experience of playing the game, it is the retail game with the quest and character models “downgraded”, as they dont actually look like the ones we had on vanilla. And, people often say “they dont sell classic without retail because retail would not survive without classic” when every single piece of audit we can do shows the exact opposite.
In here, the same thing. Sure, server stuff does look bad now, but “pre sorcery” game wasnt better than present one, by a large extent. And 90% of the problems it has today, it “always had”.
A while back I made a post showing how many posts reporting the same problems are from 2019, 2020. Sorcery came out in 2022, which did not changed anything in terms of problems, bugs or design flaws. They are all “ever present” or “illusory”.
By illusory I mean the many things people report that are problems in their own system, mods, bad setup, and they claim it is a flaw in the game. Even those are mostly “ever present” and never went away since launch, or were not “started” after sorcery.
Players should eventually understand that not all problems are surface problems, and they most likely are not what you complain about, but only the reason what you complain about happens.
And FFS, research before saying stupid stuff like “Reroll pre sorcery”.