Want to place something in your base? Nope, view obstructed
Want to get your living settlement up and running? Nope, thralls disappear
Want to enjoy your bar? Nope, your bartender got deleted
Want to stand somewhere in your base for a while? Nope, fall through the floor and get stuck
Want to play CE? Good luck buddy…
Naa this is a smoldering trash can at best.
Not shocked to hear this at all. This is why I keep asking for a patch/update roll back to pre-Sorcery. I’m absolutely sick of Funcom making the game worse with every update. I want to go back to the fun version of Conan Exiles, the one I actually liked to play, the one that had far less severe bugs and issues than this hot garbage juice smelling dumpster fire of a mess we’ve got now…
Mac, I’ve seen you post the same thing at least 50 times in my casual perusal of the forums. They’re complaining about bugs they want fixed, no one’s talking about wanting to go back 3 years except you.
I think the obstructed view is caused by low ceilings(1block height) not sure why but I had the same problem but when I stood outside the door under open air I could place the bench inside that. I’m sure FC will sort it out, or maybe it’s intended. I was never a fan of low ceilings anyways, I usually make mine at least 1.5 blocks high.
He’s got a point.
The game seems unable to handle the amount of stuff that’s been added.
Yeah, we’re all aware that the current state of Conan isn’t all we might hope for, but it also might be wiser to make one’s peace with the state of things (as much as possible) and not hope for things that will never be, no matter how many times one spams the forum requesting it.
I understand the frustration though, oh yes.
No, he doesn’t. “Your game was much better 3 years ago” is a point. “You should roll back the last 3 years of development” is not a point, it’s an unreasonable demand and it’s counterproductive. And when someone does it over and over and over again, on every single thread they see, that’s trolling.
By any chance, do you know if it’s also affected by the character height? When you created your character, did you move the height slider?
@CodeMage yes I did. In PvP it is typical to make your character as small as possible. In theory ( I don’t know if it actually ) your hit box will be smaller. But yes, I made my character as small as possible.
Roll back Pre Douthett!
If Deacon agrees you know it’s bad xD
Yes and aggreeing to what!? Hes agreeing to things he disagreed yesterday. there are deeper problems i think but we wont find out
Yes, I keep posting the same thing because it’s what I want and it’s the ONLY way Funcom will hear me. I speak for more than just myself, too. Read the forums more carefully. It’s not just filled with people complaining about bugs…
Exactly what the game needs… and get this - some people are telling me that I’m the only one that wants a roll back…(see above).
I do think Douthett is a HUGE part of the problem and needs to be let go.
Funcom are becoming more like Ubisoft and Bethesda everyday, very disappointed with this new update
No one has ever said that. I have said you are using “we” wrong. If you would say “some of us” I wouldn’t give you guff for the “we”.
I came back for AoS, it wasn’t bad. Been going down hill since. They never manage to fix the majority of bugs from CH1 before the intro more in CH2. Thought this longer developmental cycle was to address that?
When this was on the beta server the build didn’t brake my top 10 for bad updates. When it hit live it jumped to #9. With funcom doing stealth roll backs it dropped to 10. But isn’t this their 8th age?
Please elaborate.
Public server I’m on was offline all yesterday, was back up this AM with al my thralls back in their benches. Wont set them out till this is fixed.
There’s a reason why I put them on ignore.
Rollback report/claim here:
Rollback report/claim here:
No comms. Just rollbacks.