Companions and naming AoH Chpt 1

Lets talk about this idea of not able to rename the companions. From the dev stream, you can do companion quests over and over again to get companion perks to be varied. While I don’t recall you mentioning anything about this, I assume that you can have multiples of the same companion as you experiment and tweak each one into individual specialized units.

With that, this breaks emersion some because we cannot rename them to distinguish them from the other ‘multiverse variants’ ™ .

Can we please be allowed to change their name (I am expecting an easy change there to have the thrall name be able to be updated) but with also a longer term goal of having these companions’ appearances randomized so that they are truly different from each other and we, the player, can create our own coterie of heroes (a more difficult task since you are pretty much wrapping up this update and will focus on bugs now).


Not sure if you can have multiple of the same companion. From what I understood (might be wrong) you redo the companion quest to basically reset the perks. We’ll see in a week, I guess, on the beta.

I think i have to rewatch the dev stream… did they really say we’re not allowed to rename them?!
… So, we can rename a Dalinsia, a Teimos and all those buffoons, but not the heroes we have to spend even more time for than for a common thrall?

Renaming thralls and pets is a very useful QUALITY OF LIFE feature, many people have multiple zerkers or dalinsias. Renaming them makes it simply easier to distinguish them.

I hope they realize that.


No they said you can have these heroes multiple times and play all the different choices, to see what choices you have and how they get affected by them.

I at least remember that. :sweat_smile:

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