Would have liked to see some update to religion system, using your symbol to use some type of powers etc.
Well… wrong page
Chapter 3 will not bring any religion updates…
but 100% next ages will…
We gonna get total religion rewamp in some point for sure
Hope so, if your religion symbol gives you some powers to use, maybe call resources for base building etc would be great. So you can build a base and then select it, all the base goes into “storage” then you can place the base somewhere else.
Isn’t that kind of a powerful effect, to just pack your whole base and take it elsewhere? Just a hunch, but do you maybe have some ulterior, PvP-related motives for this particular idea?
I don’t know if there was a god of city-planning in the Hyborean Age, but I never heard of him/her. Maybe it would be more productive to keep our suggestions within reasonable limits, both from the lore point of view and gameplay.
Maybe, perhaps a small outpost instead of to begin with with which you can also extend with regular building yourself. We’ll a whole base yes powerful which is why I made suggestion above, my thinking is if sorcery (powers) is mostly about taking that power with you wherever you go then in contrast a revamped religion system could be about your base, temporary living area/ outpost. Religion buildings made with your religion symbols such as an Oracle building you can get tasks from the Oracle thrall then receive rewards at the Altar when you complete it.
Why would they stick a rework large enough to warrant it’s own entire age on the tail end of sorcery’s age? We all want it to happen, but if they downgrade it to a chapter feature instead of an age, that’s not going to do it justice
Then do an age then
We’re already in an age? One has to end for the next one to start
I mean, you can already magically destruct your base and carry most of it around with you.
Relocation wouldn’t be practical or even possible. Most bases are created with the terrain in mind. Fallout 76 tried this and it just doesn’t work. Unless you have a super small house that can fit virtually anywhere, there’s never going to be a moment where this could be utilized to its full potential. Sorry to say it, but that idea, whatever your motive would be, just wouldn’t work outside of a prefabricated (very) small shack. If your motive is PvP-based and trying to relocate your stuff before getting raided, I suspect your idea will fall on deaf ears. No one will want that.
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