Conan Exiles Knowledge Test #2!

Think you’re a master at the game or just want to test your knowledge?

Try out our 20 question quiz! Make sure to scroll down after hitting the “done” button to see your results.

How well did you do? :eyes:

:memo: Test Your Knowledge #2: Conan Exiles Survey


Score: 85.0%

17/20 points

Damn, Siptah ones threw me a little, only starting playing it last month, heh.


Cool quiz

16/20. Misread one question. And had to guess at the siptah ones :joy:



I really had to think on a few


I didn’t think a lot, in some i just answer without being 100% sure and the item? I didn’t knew it at all i just gave a 25% answer! I almost never read these, i just fix them :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
75% tragic apology :person_facepalming:t3:. I was damn sure that i would hit 100% for fun, but… No.
Ofcurce if someone wants, since there’s no time frame, can “cheat” the 100%, but the point will be lost, playing a game with the rules only so you’ll get a joy from it, cheat it and the joy is lost!
@Spynosaur_Nicole :heart:.
First… I am so damn happy to see you around again, i really, really, really missed your posts.
I beg you to keep it coming :pray:t6:.
Second… You cannot imagine how happy i become when i learn things that i miss all this time from this game. I am happy to announce you that this survey was educational to me, especially to the corruption question that i answered correctly, but i didn’t knew about a particular armor piece and it’s usage. All these years i was fixing a set but never really use it, i was sticking to use my favorites for the time, and this set was always in my closet but never my favorite to wear.
So THANK YOU, you made me really happy because, yes, i learned something new today from this survey. Successful, congratulations :+1:t6:.


16/20. Two of the wrong answers were because I had to basically guess most of the Siptah questions, since I stopped playing it after its early release :wink:

There’s one thing I’m really curious about, though. It says “Conan Exiles Knowledge Test #2”. When was #1 and where can I find it?


My clanmate used to wear the piece of armor all the time with sigils, would offer to let players try it on and then watch their reaction XD

I was a bit stumped on the lore part but there were some clues in the dialogue that made me choose the right answer.


If you are referring to this…

It’s not what gives me full corruption my lack of knowledge but what armor piece in exile lands that was removing it…

(You understand my dear Kikigirl that i don’t want to expose the survey in these lines).
In Siptah i was going really soon to the north spider cave to gain the sigil that removes… :wink:

Oh i learn what this hat does the hard way :rofl::rofl::rofl:, i loot it from the “bridge” skeleton and my next stop was red mama, so before i enter her battlefield i wear it :person_facepalming:t3:. Yes, :person_facepalming:t3:.
The same happened with the hammer of the warmakers, i loot it and went outside to do the run again for scraps, so i put it on my wheel, go in front of the arena champion and :person_facepalming:t3::rofl::rofl::rofl:. So beautiful days, i remember them now and i am still laughing, but then i was like… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:



Sorcery got me… spell components are still unknown to this console player.

I did my bestest. Good Quiz, nicely rounded.


Damnit that wasn’t my intention XD I fixed it because I thought I did remove it -blerp

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Wrong place. This is a fun little survey where Funcom asks players questions, not the other way around.

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Score: 85.0%
17/20 points
yeah, pouch type, npc text and description got me. XD … There are always more things to learn. Thanks for quiz!


78%!!!? What?!! Brain?! How very dare you! You’re fired! Thousands of hours gameplay and not 100%?!!! :wink:

In my defence, those ‘dark arts’ things interest me not. Give me a big sword and a skull to crack any day. Have played all three maps (I count Savage Wilds as a core Conan genre map) and all are great so I have no excuses for a Siptah mistake. Not counting the heathen dark art questions? Then 100% :smiley:

ps Glad to see Lady Spynosaur_Nicole dropping interactives again.
pps: those who have avoided Siptah, you have lost out on all those really clever, excellent Crom-eggs dotted about. I mean, that crazed bunny for one - and excellent pre-flight test. A++ to the Art/Design team


This was a lot of fun Spynosaur_Nicole. Although I was unaware that there was even a Test Your Knowledge #1. Please consider doing another one again someday.

To my tremendous shame I only achieved 75%. Like several other members I bottomed out on the Isle of Siptah questions, as aside from a 5-10 minute test session last week, I had not played Siptah in >6 months. As much as I love the design, the factions, and especially the Surges, the RNG and the lighting frustrate and detract from the experience. The black feather helm question also caught me. I was unaware of its existence.


To be fair a lot of them are super tricky. For example, the description text one I feel super bad about adding but I loved the description so much I had to add it in there. You did great though with 75%!!!

And I’m so glad to hear you learned some stuff from it. I think a lot of it are things most hardcore Conan players will know, but I was hoping some people would get some fun tips from this. Like what the black feather helmet does. :slight_smile:
Thank you so much for the kind words though, that really touched me and means a lot!


For you and @CodeMage and anyone else, here is the very first quiz. It was a while back, I think early 2021? But I’d like to do more if ya’ll are having fun with them!

Looks like most questions hold up except for question #7 due to the changes we made recently. So if you want the answer for it it’s: D: Grit

Quiz #1:


Thanks! I did a bit better on that one, but still not 100% :smiley:

Got the “obsolete” question right, too :wink:


I made 3 mistakes in this one :rofl::rofl::rofl:, but it was awesome too, it brought back memories, especially on the grit perk.
Very good observation guys, thank you both (code - croms) that you brought it up :+1:t6:.
My dearest @Spynosaur_Nicole, accept my apologies, you and @Kikigirl, for the confusion i created, my enthusiasm for learning something new was the champions leggings! I didn’t knew they help you remove the corruption and i was so happy i learn this in this survey…

Keep it coming :pray:t6:.
These surveys are both entertaining and educational.
Other than that it will give me a new goal in game to observe things more carefully. And i believe i am not the only one that feels this way :grin:.


Fml… I got 85%. I would have gotten higher, but my fat thumbs unknowingly hit “ladder” instead of “pillow.” Tf??? I guess I’ll just say I got 90% and call it good.


It’s awesome! Doesn’t matter at all if it was even 60%. The point on Nicole’s posts was always the unity of the members, relaxing conversations with mutual interest. I miss these days and i want them back. This survey is a breeze of these days, let’s hope it will stay. Where’s @Marylambs, come on girl, join the party :tada:.