Conan Exiles needs to go away - Age of Conan is the game that needs to be promoted

Ok, so Conan Exiles is a survival game. Great. Just leave it as it is. No need to waste any more time on it. Instead, focus on what should be the main flagship title = Age of Conan!!! Without any marketing for a decade, we have lost a lot of people. But it’s an easy fix. Market the game to the hundreds of millions of PC gamers that don’t know it exists or have heard of it, but never played.

There is a lot of potential for AoC to make the biggest comeback in mmo history!

1 - actually promote the game so we get new players
2 - offer a promotion for 30days premium and send it to every account that has ever been on AoC (this will bring back a lot of players)
3 - create a bundle that includes all 3 DLCs plus Godslayer (one fair price)

This will help a lot. Exiles can only go so far and do so much. But AoC has unlimited potential if it received some support. No need to a full team, but even if we had a team of 10-20, that would be a massive help.

Also, lets start a kickstarter/gofundme to get the AoC devs more funding. Or, take any profit from Exiles and instead of continuing Exiles, use that money for AoC.

We have a chance to do this right and get 100s of thousands or more players back in AoC. Let’s do it!


Dune: awakening is next so Conan exiles will be in the same boat as Age of conan is now.


How about not wasting our time here with your entitled crap?


Get back to your own forum, troll


Age of Conan had its shot 15 years ago.

It sadly fell short. While it had one of the better gameplay styles compared to other tab-target MMOs at the time. It flopped when the gameplay experience of the first 20 levels did not extend to the rest of the game.

When you play in Tortage for example, you are treated to a very unique experience (for the time) of a very deep story line given in dialogue that you as a player have the option to direct the nature of. The game divides the playstyle into Night and Day time adventures. At day you are treated to the normal multiplayer experience where you do a series of random quests alongside other players, and are even encouraged to group together to tackle the challenges.

But at night, you are solo, in your own instance of the island. Here you have a story driven narrative based on the class you picked and the quests are more story oriented as well as testing your ability to play your class.

AoC was doing what FFXIV would do many years later. Well… for the first part of the game anyway. Like FFXIV all the main story quests were fully voiced and you had choices to respond in dialogue. Even though you couldn’t make choices that had lasting impact and consequences, the choices added a bit of theme to your character’s personality and made the experience more immersive.

And then when you finally leave Tortage, when you finally get onto the quest to seek removing the Acheronian Brand on your character… you are meet with your races’ home area. Now the quest givers are silent, only text, sending you on the normal WoW-style chore quests ad nauseum for the rest of the game. Group content such as dungeons and raids exist, but are few and far between. Leaving the game world feeling empty and lacking.

If the entire game was like Tortage, with voiced main quest lines, the night and day dynamic (or at least the group solo dynamic) where you are challenged both solo and group, and then a filled out endgame. Then Age of Conan would have been popular on its very own, and a contender for the top slot among MMORPGs.

It is sadly not. And will never be.

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AoC graphics are too old to even start to compete
AoC is not modable
AoC has no building options, only fixed guild upgrades

AoC has run its course as far as I am concerned

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Dude we already fund Dune and we cannot afford to fund any other game. On the contrary we expect our game to be fixed.
Conan exiles saved Funcom from bankruptcy, we expect our game to be fixed first before they fund anything else.


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