Conan Exiles - New Patch Bug Massive Lag - Completely Unplayable version. Rollback desperately needed until resolution

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay Massive Lag
Game Mode: Online Official and Private
Server Type: ALL
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: ALL Private AND Official
Mods: NONE

Bug Description:

Massive Lag

Bug Reproduction:

Just Play normaly.

After this patch, there is something VERY wrong with the game. This version of the game is not playable. It needs to be rolled back until it gets fixed. It is simply unplayable.

When arriving at the base, sometimes it will take more than 5 minutes for the doors to render. And you can’t get into your base until the doors render of course. As an example, my base has about 10 doors to get into the base… The building foundation and walls render, but the doors will render 1 by 1… maybe 2 to 3 minutes per door sometimes. Last time it took me 15 + minutes for all my doors to render so I can get into the base.

Massive desynk: Sometimes, I will kill a player, who has not yet received the network information of my presence. So they will die to me without even seeing me on their screen.

Also, sometimes you will be walking on the map normally, suddently you die! Something was attacking you, but you dont how because in your client, you were never attacked.

Truly, this current version of the game is not playable. Please roll back to the previous version, fix it, and re apply the update after it is fixed…

Thank you.


Please we have no way of playing at this rate.



Thank you so much for your report.

I reported this issue and we will try to investigate it as soon as possible, meanwhile, we appreciate your patience.

If any more information pops up, feel free to reach out to us :smile:

See this thread for more information: 🚨 Private Servers after Update (with no wipe) - Bugs, Interaction delays, NPC teleportations, etc - #31 by IncRaven

As a note last night, was happily adventuring away, friend connected to the dedicated server and as soon as he did, everything turned into the matrix where the enemy was zipping from spot to spot and I was just instantly killed because I couldn’t figure out where they were and what they were doing.

Still massive lag, making the game pretty much unplayable. The server I have been on for months had no lag issue whatsoever, and now since this bugged out update there has been nothing but lag, takes the buildings my clan has built forever to even render, sometimes not rendering at all until about 15-20 minutes of just sitting there being able to do absolutely nothing. Also, you rubber-band at times when you move in game as does your thralls and npcs you fight. You get attacked by things you can’t see causing you to die due to that because you can’t fight what you can’t see. This is pretty rediculous I may say, because an update that is released should infact be stable and not cause such major issues for the majority of the player base. I think I will stop playing conan for good if this issue doesn’t get fixed as I’ve already put enough time and effort into this game to know deal with this issue that doesn’t seem to be getting fixed being the update was the 21st and it has been 4 days. (you’d think it would and could had been fixed during the weekend) but hey what do I know? I’m just a pleb like the rest of the players who just want to be able to enjoy Conan and the new update. A prompt fix would be nice, or roll back this unstable update and fix it so it works properly before releasing it to the masses. The ball is in your court Funcom, and its your responsibility to fix this matter promptly as folks pay money for things in the bazaar I am sure they would enjoy being able to use, and their battle passes that are probably going to waste as we patiently await this massive lag fix. Hoping for a fix very soon, before I among many others give up this game completely. There is really no excuse for this, and its becoming frustrating logging on having to deal with the lag, only to log off because you can’t even play on servers. Please fix this promptly as others along with myself would like to be able to play, without the massive lag or other glitches that shouldn’t be happening in the first place. Don’t be like bugthesda and not fix these kind of issues that affect the player base in a huge way. The game for now is ruined, and my disappointment is immeasurable.


Still same here please fix faster
all servers are unplayable for all players.

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Having same problem, folk keep desyncing bad, i was standing in front of someone, and for them i was completely invisible until i relogged.

Huge lag spikes that make everything take longer than it should to load in.

Quite literally the only fix is to keep logging in and out every 30 minutes

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This is a disaster in practice with each update we are the beta client


Just a FYI
On our private (rented server).
I run our server out of Los Angles, CA.
I connect from Florida.
My GF connects from the Philippines.

  1. It took an incredibly long time just for her to get updated.
  2. She experienced the infinite loading screen, but was finally able to connect.
  3. Once she was finally able to log in, she experienced the same intense LAG and RUBBERBANDING that I have been reading about.


  1. the update for me took as long as usual. (nothing new)
  2. I did NOT experience the infinite loading screen.
  3. Once I logged in and created my character, I had NO LAG OR RUBBER-BANDING.

I went and met my GF at her F2 starting point.
A. Although my GF was continuously impeded and frustrated by the lag and rubber-banding, I was not able to see it happening. It looked normal to me EXCEPT when she could not make discreet turns in any direction and was not able to stop immediately (Evidence of visible LAG).
Much less was she able to see enemies approaching her and attacking her.
Fortunately, I was there (without the issue) and was able to prevent her unnatural death happening because of the LAG she was experiencing.
B. What ever was happening seemed to be unique to her client side connection to the server in Los Angles.

Now, forgive my sense of cynicism about this… But if you did something deliberate that caused this wide spread issue (and it seems directed at distant connections between clients and the servers, as well as affecting Official servers, Private servers and Rented servers), basically affecting everyone, I seriously don’t see any humor in it.

A “ROLLBACK” is not going to fix anything.
What you’re going to have to do is find the source of the issue that’s causing this issue and fix it ASAP.

Ive the same problem on a eu server , while this server is hostet 40km far away . It’s a joke !

I wish to congratulate the developers on turning Conan Exiles into a single player game. I have a dedicated(PS4) server with 20 slots. As long as only one person is on the server at a time the game runs fine. As soon as a second or more people log in the lag is nearly immediate. It doesn’t matter which portion of the map the players are on nor if the players are close together or far apart on the map. It has become unplayable for any fighting due to inability to determine where the mob is as well as extremely slow response from health and stamina bar. As an example you a mine a single pile of stone and I have seen it take as high as 30 seconds for that stone to disappear. The interactivity lag is too much to accommodate.

I wonder if everyone quit playing for a day if Funcom would even notice.

Exciting update - combat, loot, purges - cannot play.

The Devs are like Crom. And what does Crom give you? Nothing. The hotifx didn’t work either so that was a joke in itself. I guess the devs wanted to give us something, what they gave us was more like false hope.

Rather than rollback, is it possible that the large number of npcs being spawned during purges coupled with multiple players getting purged at the same time is what is causing the lag? Is it possible that introducing a purge queue similar to how some games have dungeon queues would fix it? Afterall previously only one base at a time got purged once there purge bar was filled…

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