Same, I also just gotten her and Lou Fei but both have no perks it isn’t just Freya but both… Plus the thralls coming and going to the bar…are they suppose to start a bar fight??? then my thralls protecting my base don’t do anything about it if that is the case…(set on attack all enemies) They just stand there or dance at the bar like nothing is happening? Plus when grabbing and walking w/ Treasure (treasure chest, golden cat, lemurian statue …etc…) There was no attacks? Is that turned off? If not then maybe look into that too?
Both Freya and Lou Fei are lvl 20 they both don’t have perks/talents? is this a glitch? The link is to my video trying to get them to unlock…
If you were in a clan, this is, mostly likely, the cause of this.
It’s stupid, but there we are.
nope, no clan. single play
After I used the portal in the party with Freya, she “Returns Home” and the quest cannot be continued. I’m playing on the official server. And I thought that after restarting the server, the error would disappear, but no. The problem did not arise only on my server.
It is March 2025 and Freya is still glitched. 6 months of not being able to go on a rabbit hunt with her. It is the same with assigning thralls to the workstations or temples in order to complete the journey. Hope someone at Funcom is looking into fixiing this or providing a timetable for an update.