Very nice for those who don’t own it. And this isn’t a Free Weekend, no this is free forever if you claim it while it’s free on Epic Store.
Will hurt the game very badly. Because not spend money on a game means more accounts from people cheating the last crap out of it.
If the game becomes free, other income sources need to be established for Funcom/Tensent. Pay to win over an itemshop is very likely to happen if they don´t charge for the game anymore
Agree. I saw this firsthand when GTA went free on epic. People who were previously banned swarmed back with these new free accounts and wreaked havoc on the game.
Disagree. The game is free to claim permanently, but only for a limited time. That’s the fine print on it. It also doesn’t include the existing or future DLC, which is a smart move considering the new map DLC is hopefully right around the corner.
You aware right that Epic Games gives out a hugeeeeee dole of cash when they do this to the developer
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