Consider adding an alternative way of spending Skeleton Keys

I can also build the legendary kits myself, I don’t need to collect them.
I would prefer if there were more opponents (NPCs) on the map.
And more with whom you can trade and chat to get even more story content.:blush:

Ha! Sorry, I’m not that nice. Even if I were, going full Santa and giving away our leggos wouldn’t solve anything. We’d still have to go spend the keys on the chests, potentially coming back with the same amount of keys (or even more!).

Huh, that’s weird. Every time I go to the brimstone springs I bring with me a key to spend on Rotbranch’s chest, and I’ve always been able to loot it without a problem (the only problem being that my thrall kills it shortly after, so I end up with a legendary and another key). You might have encountered a bug.


As I said, I’m not that nice :rofl:

But thanks for proving my point, albeit inadvertently. In order to better spend those keys (regardless of whether I give away our weapon stash or not), I need to do something as counter-intuitive as facing the boss without a bodyguard and try to evade it just to collect the prize.

You should want to face the boss, and you should want to kill it because it’s rewarding. If you avoid the boss, it should be because you don’t want to spend time engaging it, or because you and/or your thrall aren’t strong enough. You shouldn’t want to avoid killing it just because, despite being more than capable of doing so, you don’t want to be burdened with a piece of loot that is totally useless because you can’t spend it but, at the same time, too good (potentially, anyway) to throw it away. It just doesn’t feel right at all.

The big spiders in the Desert and Silkwood tend to wander far away from their chests, making them pretty easy to loot without risk. The giant crocodile at Noob River’s north bank, as well as the Rotbranch on the islands between desert and jungle, are similarly easy to avoid.

But yeah, those bosses are kinda out of the way, so if you take the time to get there you might just as well kill the boss for another key.

Could be wouldn’t be the first bug in this game.

A first world problem? Hmm…perhaps. But it is possibly more so an online clan/multiplayer problem. I can tell you now that as a purely Offline Singleplayer (ie-a one-man workforce), I no sooner get a few Skeleton Keys in one play session, then I proceed to use them almost as soon as I obtain them. Moreover I am still far, and I do mean FAR from having all of the Legendary weapons and armor available. I have been trying for months now to obtain a Lovetap but to no avail. As another example, @Larathiel do you remember waaay back when you told me that yhe Glimmermoon also serves as a light source…!? Yep, still trying to land one. :laughing: Perhaps this is unsurprising, after all sometimes I seem to have the luck of ‘Gil’ off The Simpsons. But at the same time I guess it goes to show that many hands really do make light work. Now onto the suggestion itself…

I wouldnt mind if there was a way in which we could exchange or even ‘transmute’ a Skeleton in to a Fragment of Power or several, or even vice versa. The actual exchange rate itself is something which I am very flexible towards. For Singleplayers such as myself it would be an awesome QoL feature.

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Well, if it makes you feel any better, the main benefit of Lovetap is that it is considered a Mace, so it’s got a longer combo with Sunder and can be used from horseback. As strictly a truncheon though, it only has the concussive value of the basic wooden truncheon, so it takes forever to KO anything with it. :sweat_smile:

Glimmermoon, however… I still get happy every time I get one, even if I’ve forced myself to use weapons other than axes on some of my alts. :slight_smile:


Put a master kit on aja’s bane, the equip that to Dalinsia…then tell me non of the legendaries are worth it.

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I am a 2H swordsman.
I prefer 2H swords. Other weapons don’t really interest me.
I like fighting like a berserk.

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That is true. I spend legendary kits on my dafari/freebooter set whenever it’s durability is low and my stash of legendary kits is still growing

I already have Szeths truncheon, but still wanted the Lovetap. Primarily because to me Szeths just looks like a reskin of the steel truncheon, whereas the Lovetap looks more uniques. And as with Skyrim I like to collect and wield unique items.

Well that is just a blatantly silly design choice. It is a Legendary weapon, if anything it should have a higher concussive value than the steel truncheon. Here is a rebalance which would actually make good sense. If I do happen to snare one I will be adding a fitting to it.

Hopefully soon. I know it is governed by RNG, but which World Bosses do you gind have yielded the most Glimmermoon drops for you?

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The ones that I setup kill pits for. :wink:

That’s simply by virtue of speed of kills and repeatability though. So any that are a short jaunt from an Obelisk or near to your base.

I can only recommend the Lovetap.
If you really want it, I recommend that you plunder the box more often in the savannah.
I have all 10 of the Lovetap from there.


Really? I only need 2 combos and then every Thrall (T4) Sep, Vul, Cim is on the floor.
My strength is at point 4.
I am an absolute fan of the Lovetap.

I would get rid of them, the boss chests and all the epic loot and instead of bosses droping keys they would drop rare materials to craft those items, which recipes has to be learned from the archivist room.

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I’m one of those weird people who prefer Lovetap with an advanced blunt fitting to Szeth’s truncheon with the same fitting. A truncheon doesn’t have combos, requires more precision to make sure you hit your target, is easier to interrupt, and only hits one target.

Oh, man, that would be SO much nicer! I would absolutely love it if the game could shift in that direction in general.

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Because this!

If you had read the section above you would have known why I don’t use axes, whether one-handed or two-handed.

I play PvE, I have the bastard sword (70DMG) cripple and bleed that is better than an ax.
And i have the blade of adventurer (97DMG).

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It is good to hear some positive feedback on it. The standard truncheons are slower than a Mace, which also has a 4 hit combo as opposed to a 3 like truncheons. I am honestly pretty keen to land one and take it for a test run. :smiling_imp:

Thanks for the lead GodsOfExiles! Do you refer to the Elephant World Bosses Chest?

Yes, I go exactly to the box and I also go to the one at the crocodile next to the savannah, sorry that I only mention that now.
I forgot to write that.

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