Console option for 1st person combat please!

Having been a PC player in the past, I suppose I was spoiled with the option of having 1st person combat as an option… And for melee combat it isn’t much of an issue on console (my laptop is dead and Xbox is my only option), but the 3rd person view is driving me absolutely nuts using a bow and arrow. The visibility is just awful.

I’ve seen a number of posts on this not being changed any time soon, but can this please get some attention? It can’t be that hard to add a check box option in the settings. It looks like it’s been a pretty common complaint, so I’m a little surprised it hasn’t been implemented yet just to avoid further player complaint. If nothing else just implement this for bows. First person bow would be very useful.

I seldom have complaints with funcom games, and have enjoyed a variety of your work. I wish I could do secret world on console, it would be welcome change from the other mmorpg options on console.
Anyway, thanks for bearing with the feedback


I didn’t realize they didn’t have this as an option on console. I have an idea of why this might be, but its kinda arbitrary. I know when they initially did the new combat system prior to release a while back, they considered removing it, but then recanted and just made it a check box. I guess when they released it to consoles they removed it entirely because they figured console players wouldn’t know any better.

But the first person view is definitely needed in some use cases. I don’t believe it would be hard to enable, pretty much just a UI setting unless the functions were for some reason outright removed.


I would appreciate first person archery for consoles.

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I didn’t even realise they did have this option on PC! :dizzy_face: And I purchased the game at launch on console. I am very surprised by this revelation. We can walk around and use tools in first person mode, but not fight; either with bows or melee. And if it is indeed possible to added and perhaps not even too much trouble, I will support the OPs call.

110% this @sestus2009. For any PC players who have yet to try and use the bow on console, well…let us just say it is neither smooth nor precise.

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Was pretty much the default way to play the game originally. Check this promotional video. All of the combat is in first person:

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I had actually seen that video before. It is the one which sold me on pre-ordering and subsequently purchasing the game. Perhaps I simply forgot, or maybe I just assumed that it (first person) did not make the final cut. I am genuinely not sure here. But my reaction now remains the same as it was back then. WOW! I have wished at times that Conan Exiles had the ability to dive back and forth between first and third person views at will like Skyrim did. I really want this now.

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