My main idea: I propose that the cut in Corrupted Stamina should not be applied (or, to be reasonable, at very least dampened.)
I need to preface this with a bit of a lengthy introduction on how I play the game. If you’d like to skip to the main post, scroll to the next separating line:
Build Info:
I almost exclusively use Corruption builds (even for farming just to be stubborn). I love the feeling of being a glass cannon that can dish out unmatched damage in exchange for being limited to halved health and stamina. I am not the absolute best nor in the highest tier of fighters, but I have taken on clans of 4+ all at once alone and been the only survivor remaining.
I use these builds because despite their heightening difficulty-of-use per update, it’s always been a fun experience to fight the odds and stay true.
I have used primarily two variants of this build:
Powerful Build
The more obvious of the two is having 20 Strength (14 Corrupt), 20 Agility, and 20 Grit.
For choice perks I use Crushing Blows, Precision Strike, Rolling Thrust, Endurance, and Steel Thewed.
With this Build I use the Abyssal (summoned) armor set to maximize damage output.
This build caps at 160 Health, 100 Stamina.
Durable Build
The second Build I use consists of 10 Strength (10 Corrupt because I love that kick), 20 Agility, 10 Vitality (9 Corrupt) and 20 Grit. For choice perks I use Precision Strike, Rolling Thrust, Resurgence, Endurance, and Steel Thewed.
With this build I use 3 pieces of the Abyssal armor (Helm, Gloves, Boots) as well as the Perfected Light Chestpiece and the Perfected Light Wrap (crafted by Scoutwright using Armor Reduction Kits). I choose these pieces to retain some split damage buffs while removing all health additions. This will be explained later.
This build caps at 200 Health, 100 Stamina.
Perk Rundown
I am well-versed in how each of my perks will effect my combat experience so for those who are at all unfamiliar I’ll go over the big perks from the builds:
Resurgence: This perk recovers a flat 80 HP when the player hits half HP and it is able to be used again as soon as the player fully recovers health. The heal cannot be stopped by damage. This perk works well with my second build since it has such low health. I am typically able to briefly escape combat to regain full health.
Rolling Thrust: This perk adds 25% armor penetration to a Strike following a roll and, more importantly for these builds, causes that attack to use no Stamina. Having the halved Stamina is made much more manageable by using this perk.
Steel Thewed: These builds would be in 1-tap range of nearly any build without this perk. Steel Thewed is integral to survival (even though it was nerfed from 25% max damage to 33% max damage).
How to actually Survive
Alright, so we do loads of damage…
But how do we heal?
For (nearly) passive healing use Feasts to Yog (13HP/sec), and due to the low HP, Infused Aloe Potions are actually extremely beneficial. While using Build 2, you also would have a completely passive 1.8 HP Regen from Grotesque Excrescense and the massive boost from Resurgence to aid it. Also, if in Siptah we use the Sigil of the Snakemen (nearly nullifies Bleed) and the Sigil of the Serpent (nearly nullifies Poison)
Stamina consumption is tough, so how do we manage? First and foremost, we have used exclusively Light armor. We also gain Regen from the Feasts to Yog. Those boosts in Stamina regeneration are key to performance. Next, we use Rolling Thrust whenever possible to our advantage. The fact that we can Corrupt and (for the most part) not suffer the Stamina penalty is huge. Additionally, if in Siptah we use the Sigil of the Fiend (reduces Stamina costs by 15%), Sigil of the Demon (45% Sprint Stamina cost reduction) and the Sigil of the Twice-Drowned (10% chance of attack using no Stamina)
That’s about it for the build. Looks good. Then…
How exactly is Corruption “dying”?
While not entirely its purpose, Corruption is crafted in a way that screams maximum damage. Specifically, glass cannon with that harsh cut in both Health and Stamina.
Let’s start by looking at a couple recent nerfs
AoW Chapter 2: Hyperarmor with Heavy weapons has been nearly cut from the game. Good luck not getting interrupted.
AoW Chapter 2: Steel Thewed perk change- Maximum damage taken has risen from 25% to 33%. If you get interrupted by daggers in nerf one you might be as good as dead.
Funcom appreciation post:
AoW Chapter 3(?): Spear move-set became more reasonable (after being buffed to nearly 100 damage but whatever!)
Now let’s move on to the crux of this argument and the potential last straw:
AoW Chapter 4: Rolling Thrust perk change - This perk is being exclusively weakened. A strike after rolling no longer has Stamina cost nullified and retains the exact same amount of additional armor penetration.
How does this effect Corruption?
Well… The Authority-focused Follower Builds are pretty much untouched since they pretty much just guide the thralls. No problem there.
…But Fighter Builds… Let’s think about this.
Both of my Builds feature full Grit and the absolute maximum Stamina you can achieve outside of armor bonuses and Elixir/Food/ Sated Buffs. I have 100 Stamina. In the AoW Chapter 3 Beta, rolling and then trying to attack with a short sword (for demonstration purposes) allows 2/3 attacks. That is 1 Heavy and 1 or 2 Lights(and then no ability to roll out due to Stamina!) There is no chance for an unpunished roll Hammer/Greatsword (etc) attack.
Any meaningful attacks will no longer be able to be used without possible punishment and FORGET fighting 2+ people at once. Your Stamina is an extreme limit now.
For those willing, let’s think about ways to improve this loss. The rest of you exiles can go to the next separating line!
So what can we do to help the Corrupted Fighter Builds? (These do not include the methods I mentioned above in my build explanations)
You could not fully Corrupt. I mean it really defeats the purpose but it’s true. Corrupting less would be an effective way to regain some precious Stamina. At that point though why use a Corruption build? As a side note here, what about Abyssal armor? You will ALWAYS be at full Corruption while wearing even one piece of it. That again means 100 Stamina MAX (121 with both consumable buffs). Without Rolling Thrust you are at a crushing disadvantage.
Bouncing off of that, wear Stamina boosting gear! While that’s good in concept, it’s important to remember that even these boosts are halved by Corruption’s takeaway. So staying with the concept of having the best Regen, let’s look at Light Armor benefits. The sets that give maximum Stamina give +12/piece when crafted by a T4. That’s a total of +30 (again 60/2) if wearing a full set. Not bad. What if you wanted a little damage too? Turanian Bandit maybe for +22.5 Stamina and +25% Agility Damage. Ranger armor provides a total of +17.5 Stamina and +40% Agility Damage for a greater edge. Also, don’t think that I forgot about the Kurak pants providing +16 Stamina! Using those nets us the options of
A. +40 (140) Stam
B. +34 (134) Stam, +25% Agi DMG
C. +30 (130) Stam, +40% Agi DMG
Out of these, Option C looks the best to myself, but that’s still just 130 Stamina. All of these options also have no Strength bonuses whatsoever. Keep that in mind. -
Use Stamina Elixir/Food Buffs.
Again, this is possible, but completely negates the reason a Player would Corrupt in the first place. Let’s check the bonuses available anyways. +10.5 Stam from the Elixir of Freedom and Cooked Moray Eel Each (+21 Stamina Total!)
So let’s really combine all that information.
I can keep playing as I do with dramatically lower Stamina or hinder myself severely in the damage department for some relief in the Stamina section. To put it into perspective by cutting off all Armor, Food, & Elixir buff I would have an absolute maximum of 161 Stamina in a Corruption Build. That’s actually a decent number, but what’s the cost again? Oh yeah… +0% Either Damage and no other buff (aside from the obvious gains from Attributes themselves).
The closest I can get would be Using Ranger/Kurak with Agility Buffs and have +62% AGI Damage and 130 Stam. I guess Corrupt Strength really has been on the decline but this is pretty much the killing blow.
To repeat what I stated at the beginning, I propose that the cut in Corrupted Stamina should not be applied (or, to be reasonable, at very least dampened.)
A solution would be to change builds or use purely Agility weapons, sure. But I don’t want to drop my Strength weapons nor drop the Corrupted Builds completely. I could use Strength boosting gear, Specifically Khari Overseer (for added Stamina boost) instead, but realistically speaking it’s not going to perform the same.
TLDR: The coming change of Rolling Thrust is welcome, but in my opinion Corruption Builds as a whole need a better way to boost Stamina or not as severe a cut in it. Without these, Corrupted Fighter Builds are dead in the water.