Crafting settings still Broken

changing the crafting settings doesn’t do anything, the only reason nothing looks out of the ordinary is because its a picture and you can’t tell that the conversion timer under the thrall icon never moves. I can change the settings all day long but it has no effect on anything, the sliders stay were I move them but it has no effect on the crafting speed regardless if its the wheel of pain or any other crafting station.

Are you sure all settings are default. and no mods. The amount of gruel you have should not have a 72 hour burn time. That is close to 6+ hours worth.

What Ignasis was referring to is that when you change settings, they are properly saved. For a bit that was not happening due to a bug. Any changes made would revert to the old settings.



yea no mods, I disabled them right after the update, that’s what I’ve been trying to say, its like everything is 7 times what it should be.

Yes I remember when that was happening, but that has been fixed the settings do save now, but the saved changes have no effect in-game

As asked before and I still don’t see an answer to, did you change the settings, then restart the Thrall conversation process.

As previously mentioned, if you change server settings while a crafting que is in session, you won’t see any changes and you MUST stop the crafting que, and restart it for the new settings to occur.

yes I have done that multiple times, went through 5 thralls and no matter where I set the crafting speed, nothing changed. Sorry I didn’t reply to your post and give you an answer, I try to respond to anyone trying to help, its just common curtesy. If it was just converting thralls that didn’t work then I would assume that I was doing something wrong and I would continue to work on it, but its the same for all my crafting benches, the grinder doesn’t work at all, nothing even shows up in the queue, when I place bones in the inventory and click the start button. The only that moves when I try to craft is the fuel burning.

I think on another thread there is a bug in crating in game settings either not saving, or not actually having an effect. So it may be tied to that.

someone either help with a link, or correct me if i am wrong.

last thing, is you may need to actually change the .ini settings of the game. someone that plays and does it on PC will be able to walk you through that. I play mainly on PS4, and use the PC version for DEV KIT and test live for strategy in PVP pre patches.

there are other threads pertaining to this issue, but the settings are saving they just don’t have any effect. I move the slider and then exit out of settings, go back into settings, the slider is still were I moved it to but the speed never changed

I would prefer to not go in and start messing with any of the game files, especially since this is not just something effecting my game, others are having this issue as well, so its an issue with the game and needs to be fixed. I’m a firm believer that I should get what I pay for and that I shouldn’t have to fix something that should be fixed by the developers. I’m not trying to be a jerk, but I paid for a working, playable game and that’s not what I’m getting at this point.

I understand. I was just throwing out there that some settings are not part of the in game options, and with PC, is something a lot of SP players use to get the experience tweaked with what they want. But crafting settings should work, and hopefully we can help figure out the issues with you, or get enough info to Funcom so they can trouble shoot it.

BigSarg, may I suggest a few things?

First, post a pic like this to show us your settings as they are now. I have a T4 thrall so things are a bit better when crafting, but it does not affect the server settings …

The next tests may take a while, but will narrow down the cause of your problems.

Clear your wheel of pain of food and any thrall and turn it on to burn up the last partial remnants of food.
Move the server setting ‘Thrall Crafting time Multiplier’ all the way left. Exit and go find a T1 NPC.
KO him and start the conversion by putting him in the wheel, then add 100 units of gruel. Start the wheel and go do something fun. After two hours, return and look at the crafting indicator on the bottom of the right panel. See if the crafting has started.

If not, repeat the above (especially the part about having fun), but move the server setting ‘Thrall Crafting time Multiplier’ all the way right.

Let us know what happens, please. You may have uncovered a bug that will help others.



Thank-you , I hope I didn’t come across as being a jerk about it, I had just woken up and hadn’t finished my 1st cup of coffee.

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Ok, I will certainly try that, I probably won’t have time until this weekend to do that, but I will post my results as soon as I am able. Thank -you very much for the suggestion.

so I emptied my wheel of pain, moved the “Thrall crafting time multiplier” all the way to the left (0.00), now thralls convert instantly.

Although everything else is still broken, as far as the crafting benches, some benches I can craft stuff but the resource requirements as so high that I have to spend all my time just gathering resources. In other benches nothing even shows up as being crafted.

I appreciate the attempt to help but honestly the game isn’t fun anymore, it was great before the Update and now its more hassle than its worth, I don’t understand how they could do so much damage with just 1 update that was suppose to have been tested and the worst part is that all or most of the problems where known issues when it was being tested and they ignored that and went live with it anyways. I don’t get much time to play and wasting it just to get the game so its playable is not worth it to me. Good luck to everyone I hope the game is working fine for you and you have many hours of enjoyment.

I empathize with your frustration. Unfortunately many of the server settings were altered when they fixed a problem with the settings not saving at all.

At least we have solved one problem, and if you will bear with me, I feel certain we can solve the others. Many of us have more time than you do to both play and help people here solve things. The game is still fun; the bugs aren’t. Luckily there are folks here who like solving problems, uncovering the root cause and sharing workarounds with us and provide tips and information to the devs.

I suggest you ask yourself this question …
Without the issues you are solving, would you enjoy the game?

If the answer is yes, please look at the following.

Go to Settings/Server Settings/Crafting (same as above) and look at both ‘Fuel Burn Time Multiplier’ and ‘Crafting Time Multiplier’. The default setting for both are 1.00 in the ‘Civilized’ preset, and are the same in mine.

If not, set to 1.00 and see what happens. You may be pleasantly surprised.

If the answer was no, you may be in the wrong game and I may be wasting my time, but I think not.


jim (7 years in, E-6)

PS: I set my thrall crafting time multiplier at 0.50, Fast enough and it gives me something to look forward to.

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