Crashing constantly please fix these issues funcom!

yea @sestus2009 I froze yesterday too I was testing out battle pass, challenges etc challenging it and swapping back and forth quickly to see if it would crash and it wasn’t right away but it did after a minute. I see slight improvements but not enough yet hopefully more will come.


I just lost a fighter thrall III due to the game freezing on a PC. Killed two elephants, and the game froze. Signed back in ASAP. Dead elephants gone, two live ones up and running, and thrall at half health. Ran, told the thrall to return. DID NOT. Lost thrall and hours of leveling same. Pissed off at this game does not cut it right now. 1G internet, and good PC, so no hardware issue. This is a GAME ISSUE! Why try to play at high levels, when you never know when the game will just suddenly stop? Right now, Exiles is in the POS column (Piece of ■■■■). Maybe I will cool down after this cluster F that just happened. Maybe.


My clan mate and I keep freezing and the only way to fix it close app and come back in, especially since can’t pull up menu or anything. We’re only occasionally bluescreening which tells me it’s not the PS4 from what I can figure.
Stability and performance needs to be really really fixed

Editing to add:: I know the update today was supposedly supposed to help but I’m lagging worse that I was now :woman_facepalming: just in smaller more frequent chunks


Supposedly the fix today was for crom coins only.


I’ve had a few thralls end up lost that way. They were 17-19 and near the end of their leveling and then hit with the fugly issues.

I put the game down and left to another - and it’s getting more and more to be an occurrence. I’ve yet to play with this new patch that dropped today, but seeing as it was primarily about crom coin I’m pessimistic about the outcome.


yea I have had issues with thralls dying too because I would crash and would have to hurry and log back in to hope they wouldn’t die.

I also had many times where I would rubberband and freeze/crash and log back in to find out I died either because I was massively lagged off a cliff I wasn’t even remotely close to or to find I got killed by something.

I then have had issues where once I died again from major lag and rubberbanding I would respawn into a dungeon I haven’t even never entered in that day for what ever reason so I had to kill my guy and spawn back at base hoping I would get my stuff back. we have issues such as all of these, texture loading issues and crashing every two minutes it seems.

they reaaaaaaaaallllllyyy need to start focusing on these big issues rather than these small trivial ones unless they contribute to it Idk I just want this game that I love to run great again.

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and yea same I have been playing some other games lately until they fix this and solve it, hopefully they solve it. I don’t even want to play it right now and that says a lot I have played through previous updates in past where there were similar issues before until they fixed it with patches and such but now it is just so bad at the moment it’s not a enjoyable experience and it’s just frustrating. I immediately get frustrated playing the game solely because of the performance and stability. It’s disappointing because I really want to play this game right now it’s one of my most favorite games but I just don’t want to go through all of this mess I hope they actually fix it somewhat soon.

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Yep, after the constant crashing and unplayable experiences (literally couldn’t even full-sprint most the time, light jogging everywhere in fear of crash) my girlfriend and I have had on official servers (because we too figured they were overpopulated and the massive bases clogged up the server) I decided to just host my own gportal server with her, just the two of us on a small 10 cap server. Started out ok, mild spikes here and there, the occasional freeze, but once we made even the smallest of a tier-1 starter base, the constant lagging, rubberbanding, details not loading in properly, building items and thralls remaining invisible, it was clear that this game is in an unplayable state, and it’s so sad because this has always been one of our top games. We’ve dedicated countless hours on multiple servers over the years, and to see that now you can’t even sprint without fear of the game freezing and then you spend 10 minutes reloading in only to see you and your thralls have died and your item bag has fallen through the map or outright de-spawned entirely. It’s so sad, and it completely takes the risk/reward factor out because now we’re all afraid to carry out good loot on us in fear of losing it to some performance issue…and I’m not even started on talking about the vaults yet. These dungeons are cool, designs, the fighting, so much potential, and yet you get 2-3 things on you and BAM it crashes. The game has had some amazing updates but yes I fear consoles simply cannot handle the stuff they’re bringing to the table, I hope they find a way to fix this or else I fear they’ll lose a ton of the console community.


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