Game mode:[ Select one: (Single-player | Co-op] Type of issue:[ Select one: Crash ] Server type: [ Select one: PvE ] Region:[ usa ] Hardware:[ Xbox one]
Bug Description: I bought the new Isle of septa was able to play at first me and my girl put in two days of work it was crashing constantly and now it crashes on the loading screen every single time. I bought a DLC I can’t even play. The original game still loads it’s just the DLC.
Game crashes every single time
Expected Behavior:
My money or a fix would be good
Steps to Reproduce:
Just buy the dlc and play it crashes on load screen
Game mode:[Online private] Type of issue:[Crash] Server type: [PVP] Region:[EU] Hardware:[ Series X]
Bug Description:
After spending 100 hours building my base my game crashed. Now the client crashes on the load screen every time i try to reconnect. If i switch xbox user account i can join just fine. Every other server works just fine.
Expected Behavior:
I did expect your software to work. I paid for the isle of siptah and the cosmetic dlc’s, which i now regret. Can i expect this to be fixed or should i just uninstall and cut my losses ? Will you refund my money if you cant fix it ?
Steps to Reproduce:
Rejoining a server - after game freezes up while playing - is not possible. Its like im locked out account wise … If i switch account i can join - but i reckon the game will freeze up again at some point, and then i will be locked out and will have lost all progress yet again. This obviously makes the game unplayable.
We are sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue in game.
Can you try to reinstall Conan Exiles and the Isle of Siptah DLC and see if the issue persists?
I uninstalled and reinstalled and reset my Xbox except for my games and I was able to load in but then it crashed and now can’t load it again I play on my girlfriend’s file which was going fine and now it’s crashing we went through a purge today when we would die it would freeze until eventually it crashed.