Crom heard our not prayers, here comes expansion


In case someone still didnt notice it, it will be announced in a week’s time from now!
Check it out:


paid or free, that is the question. (And how much).

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No doubt it’s paid, how much I dont know. But I guess we will find something out in a week.


Is there a way to set that countdown timer as a desktop wallpaper? Asking for a friend.


Do you want something like that? If you want with the working countdown, I don’t know how to do…


Probably, I imagine someone should already have thought of a website as a desktop wallpaper app.
It seens you dont even need an app, windows does it (except it dosent work for windows 10):


with the state of the game currently, I don’t think I can justify purchasing anything for it.

At best, I will probably wait and see how the released content affects the core of the game, and make my decision then.

Its disappointing that there are aspects of the game that haven’t been fixed,(the game is an unstable house of cards, adversely effected by nearly every update since release) and they are adding more on top it.


I’d rather have the timer, but that image is pretty cool all by itself. Thanks!


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Print screen, move it to PAint (or similiar prgram) to resize as you see fit. IT won’t count down, but that is the best way to make it a wallpaper image.

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I din’t even have to resize. The pic @donbzm posted already fits my native resolution.

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Agreed. And it’s not even all the game crashes that are ■■■■■■■ me, I’ve gotten accustomed to those… for me it’s all this undermeshing and exploiting that is like 99%impossible to get to proof of because you would have to do it yourself just to get close enough to clip names and tags and then you end up getting banned too no matter how honest your intentions were.
Another example, on my current someone is actually able to alter the text in the frost forge to where it reads “my gamertag takes it up the butt”…amusing as that may be it just really ■■■■■■ me off that the cheating trolls can gain that much access yet the admins do nothing… or maybe it was an admin who knows. Either way this game broken as all hell. It was broken when I purchased it, the devs continue to break it further, I can only assume the new content will be just as broken and unmanageable as the old content. I would actually recommend to anyone who asked to not spend on this game

Here is the “seal” progression till day 1:

You can easily get all the images from the page as they are all uploaded and just numbered from n1 to n2 :slight_smile: The last one is missing tho…

So far you can see 7 icons of 7 Avatars? So either 8th avatar is coming or it is unrelated and it will be DLC, expansion or sorcery.

Also “The Black Tower” was used in the Red Sonja comic book where Sonja fought aliens with laser guns :crossed_swords: :robot:

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All DLCs, so far, have been paid for

If Funcom will buff obsidian weapons with the next patch, I’ll buy the new map :wink:

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I’m thinking those are bosses. like the fishy one from the underwater dungeon..


So, no stygian content? :frowning:

The mention of the demonic storm leads me to believe this is going to be a battle royals mode. I just don’t believe that they’ve had enough time to develop a new map that functions as a replacement for the original map.

BR or it could be something similiar to Onslaught mode we get in AoC.

Are you saying it’s going to be a massive MMO game? open world? ’
will it be like GAME ATLAS Studio Wildcard, 1,000 players per server? :thinking:

A game of service? :thinking:


I hope you’re reading too much into it. We already have a sandstorm and the leather journal at the spawn mentions beasts in it:

Gods curse this sandstorm! We were forced to take refuge before the wind scoured the skin from our faces. There is something in the storm. Beasts. We hear the skittering of their paws outside the ruins and their howls mingled with the screaming winds. The men are scared. I’ve put them to work crafting rudimentary weapons and torches from the loose stones and rough plants that dot this place. I’ve yet to meet a beast that liked fire, or the bite of the axe.

So maybe we’re finally getting something like that? Let’s wait and find out :slight_smile: