I have been discussed with another community member about updating the religion system in CE. This got me thinking. While his post was more about adding new religion armor and cosmetic changes involving a layer of clothing underneath armor I want to bring up new systems.
My orginal statement about Crom:
"As far a Crom worship, Crom is a god watches over the dead, values strength, and gives misfortunes and curses instead of boons. He is kind of a cross between Hel and Tyr while also being cold and uncaring. He is almost exclusively worshipped by the cimmerians who in the books are almost all gone. I can only remember one time in all of the books that Crom did anything (the movies differ in this).
If you worship Crom it should be based around additional purge type events and spawning in bosses like with Jebbal Sag. Sacrifice boss heads or hearts to ramp up the purge metter, get temporary combat buffs or forge powerful weapons. His temple should be simple. No avatar. No clothes. Just misfortune."
Crom doesnât care about you. According to the books by Robert E Howard, Crom gives us strength to fight at birth and as stated by Conan is more likely to curse you than help you if you get his attention. Howard wrote his books in the spirit of DnD meets Call of Cthulu so his deities are similar in tone. Like your god is a Dark Souls boss.
In the movies he is loosely based around the âriddle of steelâ concept. This is never explicitly explained but follows along with the dichotomy of the strength of aweapon vs the strength of its wielder.
Crom worship should be based out of a simple shrine based around the decor in the mounds of the dead. The alter as a sarcophagus that as you upgrade it collects skulls and weapons around it.
Collecting trophies from fallen enemies and bosses can be exchanged for increasing the purge metter or spawning special bosses or world bosses. Boss trophies can be forged into weapons. No avatar or bubble. Craftable placeables can be obelisks like the ones in the mounds or effigies (weapons stuck in the ground or in a pile of skulls a pike with a banner on it).
Fest can give a decent buff (stamina regen + grit bonus).
I would also like there to be craftable alters that would function at a T1 shrine but take up much less space. These cannot be upgraded and follow the same distance restrictions as shrines except for shrines of the same religion. Being restricted to T1 means there are no additional bubbles or avatars and devotion still canât be moved. You could have your primary shrine of set and some alters on the side for crafting additional arrows.
If we use this method we can intoduce other gods without having to add additional avatars. Maybe there is an altar for Hanuman. Maybe you can craft altars for Jhil, Jullah or other lesser animal gods and get new recipes or transmutations.
Let me know what you think here.
Thanks for getting me worked up about this.