I know it’s probably been talked about before and from what I’ve heard Sony might be the issue here. However I believe cross platform play would greatly help Conan especially for pvp. Has there been and effort to try and achieve this? Or is this not wanted.
Personally I’d love it for Conan, but doubt Sony would do it given their attitude towards cross play
No mens sky has crossplay too
Destiny 2 and minecraft dungeons have crossplay too
So it seems like Sony is way more supportive of it these days.
I love, hope, dream the day that crossplay will arrive in this game, there are a dozen of players here I would gladly go and play on their servers. This dream started tear down at the time consoles stayed for 8 months back from every single update. We felt abandoned at this period, so we forget and lost every single hope for cross play. Now after all this time, I believe we can revive from the ashes this dream and I personally thank you for bringing it back. It is a nice dream to live on here, a beautiful wish.
About pvp, I really don’t know if you are going to like it that much. Controllers cannot aim easy, so the pc pvp archers will be a real pain for you, still I believe this is not a significant reason for this wonderful thing to happen. I believe that it will bring to much happiness to the greatest percentage of the Conan gaming community. I would beg our precious admins of this @Community to transfer this post to the general discussion section so other console players will share their thoughts about it, thank you.
This is why I said cross play for console. Not pc. It starts to get complicated when you introduce pc and all it’s baggage
Well… I want it all , pc too
. Omg why when I use this sentence (I want it all) Freddie Mercury is singing in my head
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