Dagger pvp meta again

Ive said it once and Ill say it again. Anyone that doesnt think daggers are overpowered do not pvp at a high enough level. These things need a nerf. I dont pretend to determine how it should be done exactly, but that movement on light attack and the lack of a viable counter are destroying this games pvp content.


Reading a lot of replies from previous post, a lot of people seem terribly uneducated in conan pvp. Just because you play on an official does not mean you high level pvp. In the right hands (meaning anyone decent at pvp) daggers are destroying every weapon out there unless you are 100% perfect and on point and sometimes still not even then. The low stamina usage and high movement for catch make this weapon near unstoppable.

Skill can help you pvp sure, but if you dont got a kit you are going to die.

Now this has been forced to include if they have daggers and you dont, well gg you lose.

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There are 13,000 PvE players who will now descend on you and ask what this means. They can’t ever know.

Daggers are still a crude and woefully unimproved system.


Threads like this is a perfect example on why nerf threads should not be allowed.

The ironic thing is, the OP would defend their favorite weapon to death rather than see it nerfed to say the level of Javelin + Shield, or Mace + Throwing Axe.

I guarantee they will not like the idea of Spears or Axe and Board being nerfed to the weakest weapon set in the game.


Ah daggers again…ok so my last response on this topic is the first one here. Naked playing, people use stone daggers…like 95% of the time. Why? Because they are effective…think about that. Level 6 stone daggers and buck naked can hold their own for some time against level 60 full epic armor and star-metal weapons. Yeah yeah yeah it’s because you are so awesome, right? Sorry but no, it’s a sign of imbalance.


No one is going to touch the idea of their preferred weapons being nerfed to the lowest performing weapons. Only calling for nerfs to weapons they don’t want to use.

Again the hypocrisy of nerf threads.

Funcom, a policy change is in order.


Or that they got killed by too many times this week - because they haven’t figured out a counter-defense for them.

For clarification are we talking about all daggers or just Feroxic on Siptah? What happens when both players in a duel have daggers? Do they both consider daggers OP or just the one that loses? If daggers were to be nerfed, which weapon would take its place as the new OP meta?

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I think we shouldn’t be looking at it as nerf this …now that…now this other thing. That’s just tedious and dumb. However there needs to be balance so that one style has an advantage on one and a disadvantage on another. For instance, daggers against a maul should mop the floor with that poor warhammer fool. However the spear should take down the dagger with relative ease. I say nuke the system from orbit (its the only way to be sure) and rebuild it with an overarching system approach of equal amounts of strengths and weaknesses.

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Wouldn’t that cause people to carry every type of weapon around and then switch between them during combat? Player1 with daggers engages Player2 with maul. Player2 switches to Spear. Player1 switches to javelin & shield. Player2 switches. Player1 switches. etc. etc.

If that’s what they want to do…OK but thei limit their character build to resolve the carry load vs specializing in two weapons and switching back and forth and have the stats better geared in their favor for the combat.

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Stone Daggers were specifically mentioned as being effective against full epic geared opponents.

I’m not against an overhaul. But you run the risk of something else becoming a favorite and we’re back to square one.

I’d take these threads much more seriously if they started with the weakest weapons and asked to bring them up. I also believe that would get better responses from FC too.

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But that is the root issue…each weapon is designed in a bubble with a desired goal in mind. “oh no one likes using 2handed axes. You three…make it more appealing and useful to the player.” 'Oh ok. Hey look axes cause bleed right so we should put bleed on it…and it’s painfully slow so lets make it more like the spear and finally it has the same basic idea of warhammers so lets add armor pen". We naturally drop every other weapon and run making 2h axes. The designers did their job…and so the endless revamping of bad weapons continues and eventually we are all lobbing ridable dinosaurs with nukes on their backs against eachother.

I am not awesome, so yeah, stone and free balling are a fun troll tactic on a level 60 super trooper.

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Perfect example of you dont pvp at high level so you don’t belong on the topic

You PVP with less than 20 players per side and during certain hours. You are a casual bluebie carebear in comparison.

Daggers need a nerf. Hands down. You disagree because you dont know enough to agree on the subject.
Other weapons are not able to effeciently finish a moving target as well as daggers so there is other weapon that will pop back up as the OP weapon for the stupid comments that say this.
After daggers are nerfed it will return to the meta of what works for you but yes 1hand axe spear and 2hand mace are meta weapons.
Theres a difference between meta and OP and its daggers. Daggers are op af

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Claiming nerf calld should be banned is just stupid and sounds like an ignorant pve player. These things are not just the strong weapon, they are the only thing you can use vs other daggers when you play at high level, ill 10,/10prove this anytime. Msg me for a private server to get destroyed with daggers all day

Feroxic daggers could use a small nerf imo but that’s about it


But what is the actual issue there. We have always had poison daggers from EL so what makes Ferox so ugly? The raw damage (which I can see since end game daggers do the same level of damage as swords) or did everyone just forget about the dagger set that gave bleed and poison from the EL?

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