Are everyone okay with the current power of daggers?

Hello. I’m a returner to Conan once more.

This thread is mostly aimed to the PvP side of the game but this can also apply for PvE and PvE-C.
My goal with this thread is not to debate on how to fight against daggers but why it is still this powerful after all this time. Are people okay with this weapon?

Daggers currently, have a very fast and oppressive chain of attacks in LMB (Light attack). The amount of hits you can dish out relative to the amount of stats some dagger have, makes most other weapons currently worthless.

Daggers of Dagon is a prime example. 65 damage and 32% armor penetration with bladesmith and Master weapon fitting. This dagger has by itself made heavy armor completely useless. It bursts through your health bar very quick. If you do not have the last stand perk you have no chance if the opponent has Q lock on you. This dagger also have cripple perk attached for it for some reason.

Everyone is running around with daggers and press LMB. And I understand why, it is simply just powerful.

Furthermore weapons such as maces, warhammers and two handed greatswords that supposedly needs to sunder and break armor and hit hard in contrast to their slowness, is completely outshadowed by daggers. Daggers does what these weapons do stat-wise and also hit twice as fast if not more.

Fighting bosses? LMB spam with daggers. PvP? LMB spam with daggers.

So why are daggers still like this? Are everyone okay with the current power of daggers? Next to the level of powercreep of daggers is the great axe, but that is still leagues below the daggers. To repeat, it is not only daggers of dagon that does this, even a not upgraded epic dagger with no blacksmith has better kill potential than most other weapons.

People don’t even need to armor themselves. You can be naked with a pair of epic daggers, weak aloe potion and glutton of punishment/last stand and defeat any boss or player with good efficiency.

I feel like it defeats most encounters in both PvE and PvP. It needs to be adjusted. Or do you disagree?

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It’s the easiest to do. Straight forward, not much to think about. Press Q and spam light attacks.

Remove Target-Lock on players. Watch them miss their left click spam. Bad players get filtered out. Daggers will still be strong in the hands of a competent player then, but they have no hyper armor and get countered by light armor (6 dodge rolls to get away) and 2h axe/1h axe. Spears can keep them at bay, but you need to be good at that.

Also you can just avoid them with double jump.

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