Wouldnt it be great if we could have instruments for thralls in the game and they could make some music ? I know, it would cost funcom some money for the sound/music but it would be so great if thralls could perform some music instead of just this … martial art dances
You have several decorative music instruments, so it be nice addition to let thralls play on them, as music, also now using some of them create some sound, so make gong and drum rly loud to call to you clan mates, or troll Em all
Maybe the placeable musical instruments could act as crafting stations where you could attach a musician thrall to play music. They’d need to be separate from dancer thralls because dancers remain in-world NPCs after being converted, unlike crafter thralls who turn into 50-kg unliving, incorporeal objects you can use to upgrade a workbench.
I’ve wanted musician thralls for a long time now, whether as “crafting station” types for stationary instruments or dancer variants that simply play an instrument instead of dancing 24x7 like a maniac. Preferably both really!
Then again I am a total sucker for anything that brings (the illusion of) more life to cities, because they’re still pretty dead most of the time.
This is an amazing idea, pve bases could be a lot more interesting and lively.
A great idea, but only if FunCom pay to have additional music (other than existing) composed for that purpose otherwise they run into a lot of expense with global copyrights. I guess a paid-DLC, but music-spefic DLCs have never been the most popular. Streaming a service, once the rights have been negotiated, could work. Building in something to link to your own music service is also a practical option, though people would need to give FC permission to have access to it
Cruaidh the Crusher, while a mediocre fighter at best, does sound like he could serve up a good growl doesn’t he? And the whole Black Hand band of pirates sound like they’d really like some Alestorm (and indeed, who doesn’t?).
If I were one of the Devs, spiders and other sneaky creatures, would not make a sound till they are in mid-leap - and usually from behind. The ONLY reason spiders, for example, make any sound is 'cause @Jens_Erik does not love spiders much (I am surprised they got into the game).
I would also have trap-door creatures (spiders) to make the Swungle a treat. Search ‘Antlions’. Great inspiration! lol
Do you want to cause rampant brown-pants syndrome? Because that’s how you cause rampant brown-pants syndrome.
Spiders are just under-appreciated… and note, I have not posted an image of one. I believe certain FunCom officials ban people for that
I would love to have some musicians in-game, even if their tunes are on-par with what Conan has playing in his tavern. It just feels weird to have brothels and taverns in-game with no musical accompaniment for the patrons. Seriously you could hear a pin drop in the one my clan built outside UC’s Dawn Gate, yet the dancers are still bopping around to something…
If they would ask I would play/sing for them to record it or send it for free
In game we just use Discord and sometimes I play for the group when hanging out around the fire .
I just wish I could set my char. to a “play instrument mode emote” while the rest cheered and danced.
In the old Conan you could easily script whole animation sequences and then play them.
It would be nice to see thralls do some performing for a change
Yeah Morambath, me too regarding offering my singing talents - although, in my case, that would breach the Geneva Convention and likely be considered a Crime Against Humanity (including anything with ears)
I do agree that it would be nice to have Utility Thralls that are effectively just ‘furniture’ that can be added to Grinders/Driers/Harps/Drums, etc to show them being used - with no other effect. It would be a way to just make bases more interesting - and make Raiders clap their hands with glee, of course - nothing’s perfect
Yeah I know what you mean. For some reason my daughter seems to enjoy my singing, but I reckon that’s probably a sign of some sort of mental issues, or perhaps she just takes pity on me. But if someone is in need of an off-key, somewhat hoarse rendition of “row row row you boat” (Jamilla the Pirate maybe?) feel free to PM me.
I vote yes to musician thralls
I would like for an option to have them stop dancing, so enemies couldn’t get a buff. IE, interact and tell them to dance, and pick the dance based on the emotes you have unlocked.
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