DBNO thralls stuck to enemy feet

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=
Mods: Smaller_UI, Edit Appearance, Sexy silent legion armor

Bug Description:

My thralls, when they go DBNO, get attached to the feet of one of the enemy NPCs and gets dragged around, making it imposible to revive them

Bug Reproduction:

Thrall goes DBNO, and gets fixed to feet of foes

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See if you get same issue without mods loaded - you may want to make a copy of your game file first in case deselecting the mods messes up existing content.

If you cannot replicate the issue without the mods, in other words, it works, then one of the mods is causing the issue. Check that all the mods have been updated recently.

Already did, twice, same issue. That is the first thing one does.

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Seen super weird things like this too with the DBNO on Official servers. A good lot of them were addressed but some still remain.

It’s a step up (err down?) in terms of frustration from other seemingly visual glitches that are probably tied to performance, such as my character gliding all over as if they’re skidding while climbing or NPCs/wildlife fighting me while laying down.

Have you heard of other such cases, by chance? I was looking it up and I saw posts relating to the same thing =[ =[ Luckily, I only play single player so, /sigh, as an admin I can “correct” a LOT of the crap that otherwise would make this wonderful, beautiful game unplayable for me.

Not exactly the same but I’ve experienced this jerky cut off while trying to complete an action, can be trying to use a tool, swing an axe or drink a potion. I can spam the key required or button on the mouse and I just keep repeating the first second of the action like I’m doing a scratch on a record.

Like dudes, I’m not making a hip hop record.

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tralls that die are still in agressive mode and sometimes keep sliding after enemy trying to attack though they do not attack. Its hard to revive if they keep going after the enemy and then return back to where they die. i have seen that even with horses.


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