Normally I am patient person who can tolerate a lot, but now I just want to shout out my frustration, because in this case Conan Exiles dissappointed me greatly - in more aspects, and I have no need nor will to play it for now anymore. Really need longer pause, but the chain of events in this case was so “hilarious”, I just need to share it with you.
So…After long time I decided to try purge, maybe expecting that it works better now, after many updates from when it was introduced for the first time.
All went ok, but when I was doing my 10th, the camp spawned few meters from my purge base, I got stuck between my thralls and enemies and got killed in few seconds. This I would get, stuff happens, but all what happened next made me decide to take a pause.
After death nothing would load/render, except of building pieces (not any door though) So I demolished wall to get outside and help my thralls, but…
My corpse did not load either, so I could not take my gear back to help them. Alright, I decided to teleport away and then back, so the stuff would render maybe, but…
My transportory stone did not load either. Sure. Then I got idea to take some gear from vault, but…
Of course also the vault did not load, I just forgot. I saw demolisher golems hitting it tho, but to me the vault was invisible. I was thinking MY LAST CHANCE is to log off an back in, if that works, but…
I could not get back into the game. Tried ten times, restarted PC, but without any success, got only infinite loading screen over and over. Got back in after 15 minutes, apparently when the purge ended.
Came back, everything loaded and rendered nicely, and all of my 8 thralls on lvl 20 were dead - I know how, they died from crowd of archers standing in front of the camp and shooting them from the distance, but my thralls did not fight back, because all were set on “chase and attack” to 5 meters max.
Brilliant. I did not even bother to make bug report, because there were more of those before, people got feedback, but apparently even after year or more nothing changed in this matter and no one was working on making this better. And I don’t get it because it is really big problem and huge mess up.
If someone of you guys knows any workaround in these cases, what to do to not lose everything when the game is preventing you to do LITERALLY anything, I welcome your ideas and tips.
If you play in pve you can spam the PvP flag in all purge place if you die with PvP active you wont Lost Any gear or items.
Dont build purges base near your main base or near Someone base try build Very far where no one live.
Dont stock items from purges in your purge base use a dismantle bench to brokens all (It all shit items) and send the resourses to your base or craft base.
Dont use melee human thralls in your purges They Will die They are BRAINLESS and shit right now try use golems and zombies with fire cauldron and some human ARCHER Thralls in top.
Dont put torchs , dont put decoration items , dont build using frontier pieces , dont put Thrall pot (he wont Work) all this items are lagging right now.
For last build a little house with a circle of Power and a chest with another armor set and some potions If you die out of PvP flag range.
Yeah, this is an issue since the new purge started. It’s been documented so many times Funcom has, apparently classed it as a feature.
An added bonus, since the last patch, is now your thrall bodies do not render when they die and, if you can’t stand around and wait for the body to despawn and the bag to appear, any gear or inventory they have is gone forever.
My latest tactic is to put my bedroll down outside of render range so that, by the time I get back to the purge, it goes through a standard render process rather than whatever the hell they’ve instituted.
But you are correct to be annoyed. These issues were introduced and never addressed, because, it was real important they break inventory.
It’s been months now that this game has been way too buggy for it to make any sense at all to play on official servers. If you don’t have admin control you are in for a world of hurt. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but more and more players are finding that the combination and quantity of bugs is completely ruinous to gameplay.
I only play on my own server where I can prevent catastrophes. I recently had a purge and my base is near the highly elevated waterway in the highlands. Raider base spawns nearby, all is well enough… then the starcaller spawns some 200 feet up on the waterway. There is absolutely no way for a solo player to simultaneously defend the base against the constant stream of raiders and golems attacking and take the time to get up there. I went into fly mode to get up there and kill the guy and now I have posted archers up there for when it happens again.
The new purge is somewhat entertaining, but only tolerable because I can have 5 followers roaming around with me - even then it is often challenging to counter the absurdly terrible AI and mountain of bugs.
That idea with battle standards sounds interesting, though a bit as an exploiting as well. I would go for this, not being this bug, but maybe one day I will try. Thanks for the tip
About the rest:
Of course I have separate small purge base in place where nobody builds anything. Got the vault nearby, just for today so I don’t have to teleport to main base and back all the time and waiting for the corrpution to go away. Ironically, the vault was the only thing that survived this mess.
My 8 fighters were perfectly effective all the time, as before - if player is helping them, they won’t stagger and do their job. Also got my Werebear with 20k HP there, he is nice help in terms of AoE attack which throws enemies on the ground. He was basically the only one who survived, just because I moved him before logging off.
I know about the rest of options, just was doing what was working for me before. Who would expect this - every thrall or defender would die this way, because I was unable to log in for 15 minutes approx, so they would get shot down as well.
I never decorate purge base, as I get it’s useless. I know you mean good, but if you read my post carefully, my problem here was not about my purge strategy, but about game breaking bug with no option left to “win”.
About the Circle of Power… As I said, my Transportory stone did not render/load after death, so I am sure this one would be invisible to me as well.
This sounds like the perfect workaround, thank you <3 . Could save my thralls today… Well, maybe one day, when I am in the state to play again. I am annoyed mostly because I was overlooking sooo many bugs that are going around these days, but this chain of events was the last drop to me. Feels like more things are not working than actually working.
Yeah. I am afraid that even being hopeless optimist person, It got to me already as well. The feeling of acomplishment from this game is starting to be overweighted by dissappointing bugs and problems like this, when player loses long time game progress just because of many mess-ups which are hardly avoidable, because there is not a player nor wrong gameplay style to be blamed.
Also your purge was level 9 or 10? I was doing only 8 today, no starcaller for me.
I feel like I started getting starcallers around lvl 7 maybe? Definitely by 8, and still getting them at 9. Sometimes they don’t show up at all, but I do mostly get one. I had lots of exploding golems around 6-7, not many or maybe none at 8, and so far none at 9. Those are the absolute worst.
Yea this game is incredibly bad at loading assets. If the bedroll is in the purge base there shouldn’t even be a loading screen to begin with, there is no point in reloading what’s already loaded, especially when you can’t do it correctly.
Death should only clear data if selecting a bed out of rendering range. Funcom even did that properly in their previous big Conan game (AoC, 2008). But I guess they tried to reinvent the wheel!