Purge in home... all time

funcom…plz… when this ends??

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Is the base built off the ground? If so currently the purge NPC’s tend to teleport up and often enough on top of/into the target base.

Personally would alter the base so that the areas where the purge NPC’s spawn in will be taken care of by guarding thralls/not have valuables in them and or build a base(s) somewhere else to encourage future purges to target it/them instead at least some of the time.

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Might be helpful to report more details about the bug. Here’s a bunch of tips on how to do that:

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here is the part of the house where they appeared.

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Good picture that tells us quite a bit. Unfortunately, we do not know if this is an official server, region, PvE, you know, the things that are a part of the post that you created. That is part of what Codemage was trying to tell you: please fill out the form.

Sorry this happened and you lost valuable stuff. Personally, I don’t think it should happen given the access to your base.

BTW, bad as it is, the OP screenshot is really cool.



  • Which game mode are you playing on? Online Private
  • What Server Type? PvE-Conflict
  • Region? Russia

The house stands normally on the ground (not on mountains etc)

all time they spawn in area with worker thralls

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Lots of similar reports. As far as I am concerned it’s a valid bug and I’m sure it’s on the dev’s list. Having just completely overhauled the thrall system, introducing a live service and breaking a few things took precedence. Downstream effects of changing code are hard to predict and even harder to fix.

I feel fairly certain it’s getting attention now, but that’s just the impression I get.

Actually, you could make that a kill zone. Move your equipment, close off the area, archers on perches, let them come ! Free resources. If you get an NPC purge, give the archers truncheons and place them on the floor. Sounds like a good plan if my purges always spawned inside at the same place.

Have fun with it !



Or you could ask the admin of that private server to switch off purges until this is fixed.

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Purges in the base is an older existing bug.

I know by first hand , had several. (and im old too; in CE since EA)

@ my current server purge spawns on the roof of an animal pen.
(and they cant get off, so one poison-gas arrow kills a whole wave.) :crazy_face:

Note. The commonly stated statement that the purge should be able to reach the base is not a vaild argument.
(despite beeing ground level purge spawned indoors and on roofs.)

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