Decay glitch on Siptah?

PvE Official 8080

I haven’t seen a recent topic on decay issues in Siptah since many of us got screwed by the wonky end of summer decay nonsense: yup turning back 20 day base decay to 10 day… oh but followers only have 7… surprise! Our clan lost 100 followers.

I’m waiting out (again) another Funcom Fiasco with the Age of Heroic Issues & the completely unnecessary “living settlement” crap that adds zilch to my enjoyment of the game I’ve logged over 5600 hours playing the past 5 years. And yes, the INVENTORY system is still not working properly. How can any company release updated chapters & still not repair something so fundamental to everyone’s gameplay?

The new issue is random decay: for the past few months I haven’t had the heart to wade through the debacle of trying to play around Funcom’s never ending Fun-ups. Yesterday (Tue Nov 26), I logged on to tag all dozen of my Siptah transportories which includes four major bases.
Imagine my shock to find the base I logged out & back in 9 days before was decaying: lost the transportory, wheel of pain, several benches w named crafters (still in storage) & tons of chests filled w necessities. Oddly this was the only base I’d mounted a single crafter (named taskmaster). I jumped on my horse & rode to a nearby base - fkn entirely GONE! Just a few followers standing around BUT weirdly some simple sandstone foundations I’d placed nearby were fine.
I rode to my next major base to find it was still intact showing 24 hrs remaining (actually 23:59:52).
In the end I lost my 2nd largest base w tons of benches, stored weapons & shelved followers plus one other transportory smaller base, plus the decayed items from my main base.
Strangely enough, the 10 remaining bases all said about 24 hours remaining & it takes me less than 30 minutes to tag the full dozen. All were tagged 9 days prior & I always wait until the repair hammer reads 240 hours before leaving. Also frustrating was that I lost so much valuable crap from the main base that I visited last & logged out from… why would it begin decay?
Event Log wasn’t much help, listing all the minutiae ad nauseam but showing decay state happened the same day.
Again all 12 bases were tagged within a 30 minute window, the 10 surviving transortories & buildings all showed 24 hours remaining.

Anyone else finding similar grief?

WTF!?! :flushed:

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And as per what’s usual now….NO REPLY FROM A FUNCOM STAFF

Hallo. Mein Mann und ich Spielen auf der PS5. Plötzlich ist auf „Isle of Siptah“ ALLES weg. Wir haben stabil gebaut. Kein Sandstein, sondern robust. Und trotzdem ist von einem Tag auf den nächsten ALLES weg! Keine Burg, keine Transporter oder Kartenräume, keine Dekoration, keine Reccourcen, keine Begleiter. Wir müssen da komplett bei Null beginnen. Und auf „Exiles Lands“ war ich auch gestern noch drin. Und heute fehlen plötzlich 3 Teleporter. Auch alles robust gebaut, kein Sandstein. Wir gucken auch, ob die Gebäude verfallen. Aber da ist nichts kaputt. Oder wir reparieren sofort. Das ist frustrierend und macht so keinen Spaß am Spiel. Wir spielen Online. Und rückwirkende Speicherpunkte gibt es nicht. Nur aktuell von Heute. Mein Mann zahlt Premium und ich stecke Geld in das Spiel für den Basar. Wir fragen uns auch, wieso straft man uns dann so? Mit welchem ​​​​Prinzip wird gerechnet, dass man alles weg bekommt? Und andere minderwertige Sandsteingebäude bleiben ungeschoren? Das ist mehr wie frustrierend. Wieso macht man so etwas?

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Guten Abend!

I agree, this is ridiculous & still NO answer from Funcom to a Bug Report.
I still rent a server for Exiled Lands - decay turned OFF. If you’d like the information please just ask.