Decay Timer WAY TOO SHORT.
…I quit playing this game for about three months last time they set the decay timer to a week. I spent several months building a huge base, believed I had roughly two weeks to /break from the game, and when I came back all my stuff was gone.
Needless to say, putting in months of work, that is often tedious and repetitive, to build a castle to your liking… only to have it all vanish in under a week…is a horrible game mechanic.
Firstly, that is way too short a time span, given the time invested. It is NOT fun to lose all your stuff…and I play this game to have fun.
I can accept a two week timer (though I think even that needs room to grow as the bases do). Basically, if you’re in the hospital or in the military, you might as well not even play. At LEAST on PVE (which funcom KNOWS we like to farm and build) give extended time for tier 3. If blocking off major passage ways is an issue, put in the barbarian horde to bore out those areas in furious fashion. But dang… losing you’re whole base when you normally log in every day because you had to go out of town, were in the hospital, on a military detail…dayum
Regardless, FUNCOM…take advice from someone who has gamed with your company for 17 years. Punishing your player’s for taking a break from the game is a great way to LOSE CUSTOMERS.
Please reconsider, before I do.
I am wasting my free time here, cause I enjoy it. But if even my free time is unfulfilling because all my “work” is for not… I will focus my attention in other games.