Please change decay from 168h(7days) to 192h(8 days)

8 days is better for decay timers than having to log in twice a week.


If you are struggling to log in twice a week for 30seconds then why even play at all? You could let other active players build where you are


You know people have families and go to work and all this boring real life stuff.
Sometimes I am happy if I get the 30 seconds just to login. And it would be nice if I plan one day of the week as gaming day that I don’t have to login on no gaming days just because it’s not ok to play every Saturday.
Sometimes I am my full working week not at home so I couldn’t login for just the 30 seconds.

BTW on my exiles land pvec server I have to plan with 1h of waiting for doors to refresh my base. So not even this 30 seconds are enough.

I am for 14 days like at holidays. But also 8 would be a great improvement for my time schedule


I will porpose 10 days (between 7 and 14). Seems fair :slight_smile:


2 weeks was great. Ppl could play a lot for a few days and rest for a week.


As do i but if you can’t be on to refresh a base maybe single player is better for you.

Not for pvp and as this would effect both I’m good on that. Single player will give you as much free time as you want or a private with decay turned off.

Maybe it’s a question of separating pve and pvp decay timers… personally I’d like to see land claim go into decay state as soon as a clan is wiped on pvp but that won’t happen.


Why are you bringing up single player? If I play online it is because I want to play in a lively world.

The two weeks were great for Pve and Pve-c. Yes, more buildings everywhere, but also more people. The servers were almost dead before the 2 weeks decay started.


I can see why there would be more buildings but why would there be more people? Did you think it could have to do with the holidays and not the decay timer?

Because the reason decay exists in the first place on official servers is to make sure inactive people aren’t hogging land that active players could build on :man_shrugging:

The official servers are for everybody and you do not have any “more” right to it than others, if you’re inactive and can’t play then official servers are simply not meant for you by design…

If you want to play in a lively world but your personal schedule doesn’t allow for you to log in frequently enough, then you can either join a private server without decay (or with a longer one) or make your own and advertise it till it becomes a “lively world”.

Serial refreshers are a big problem on official PvE servers, especially since most players overbuild and take up way more space than they reasonably need.
And if you look around, there are several other threads that try to find solutions for it (by suggesting various systems where people MUST play and not just log in to refresh the base)

Sooo all of the above is pretty much why a “counter-suggestion” enabling serial refreshers to thrive even more will probably not gain a lot of popularity around here.
I did have one suggestion though that “might” be more friendly to people who are actually active, but have varying schedules so they can’t log in all the time.


Serial refreshers are indeed a big problem. Anyone who knows me here also knows that I’ve been grumbling and complaining about them for a long while.

Even so, I don’t think that raising the decay timer from 7 to 10 or 14 days makes serial refreshers a bigger problem. Serial refreshers let their stuff decay when they finally admit to themselves they’re not coming back. Logging in twice a week is not a problem for them.

I know this, not only because I’ve played this game online for years, but also because I used to be a serial refresher for a while.

So raising the decay timer won’t make serial refreshers any worse, but it might actually help people who are not serial refreshers. I can totally understand and respect the fact that there are people who can only play once a week, but they come and actually play the game on that day. They contribute to the server and make it feel more alive. I would much rather have those people stay and keep playing, even though I’ll see them only once a week.


Of course! :slight_smile: I agree with that… as long as they’re ACTUALLY playing the game and not just logging in to refresh. But as long as the system isn’t set up to differentiate between the two, unfortunately it affects both cases and whether intentional or not, does enable serial-refreshing even more.

If there was some system for it, like either the one described in the above linked post, or the other suggestion we had not long ago to tie it to BP challenges… or literally anything that measures activity in any way, so that people aren’t just logging on to refresh, then I think they could afford to allow much longer decays and actually benefit this group of people who have less time to play but when they do… they actually play :slight_smile:


Do most people keep their smart phones on them at all times? This is a serious question.

Won’t work on most but Conan exiles on Android phone

I use GeForce Now, works like a charm. Gives you an hour free to log in as long as you have an account.

Problem solved.


Can you turn this into a poll? Would be interesting to know the numbers :wink: .

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The whole switch to seven days doesn’t seem user-friendly or customer-friendly to me either. Ultimately, I can’t even fly undisturbed on vacation for a week without the certainty that I’ll be able to build a completely new base afterwards. :see_no_evil:

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If a new player to a server is so dead set on building in a particular spot that is already taken, why not move to another server?

Why should an existing player “stop being selfish” and move all their stuff so someone else can have it? Heck, if I play on a new server, I dont expect handouts like that. Build in a different spot, or find a server that has that place I want to build free. Asking for people to cater to me is beyond extremely selfish.


In the end, maybe we can somehow counteract that more if we form (more) clans now.

If my own buildings become clan buildings, it doesn’t really matter whether by myself or someone else from the clan was online in seven days, right?

I play on a server with 3 other players. So i figured that sometimes i don’t have time to play and it would feel more relaxing loging in once, than twice. I do play the game alot, is just that I also take breaks from playing because of other stuf in real life.

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I appreaciate all the feedback. I still think that 8 days seems better than 7 days. Btw Ark has 8 days decay timer on pipes/cables(electricty/water keeps your base alive, otherwise you lose most important stuf). They understood what it means to burn out from refreshing your stuf and gave players the choice to login once a week instead of 2.


Existing player?

We aren’t talking about existing players. We’re talking about absent and selfish jerks who aren’t playing the game anymore.

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