Game mode: [Online ]
Problem: [ Bug ]
Region: [EU]
i don’t know how i did it but i saw it multile time.
After certain action (not sure about witchone), decey time incrise.
if i put 1-2 fondation, i will have for exemple 12h:20min:00 sec decay timer and it will start to cownt down (12:19:59, 12:19:58, etc…)
i m going to do other inside game thing, then comming back to my fondation and when
i watch again decay time it is now at 15h:35:min:15sec (counting down when watching it)
in this exemple decay setting are :
i gess decay is not working as intented, or did not understand how it should work
as you can see 22h later and one server reboot timer lose only few hours
This is not a bug. This is a struggle with those who love to block other people’s buildings, putting one block of the foundation. If there are no walls, doors, beds (that is, it is not a base), then the life time is set short. When next you put more elements of buildings - the time of life grows.
It’s based on the decay timer system, but it’s not at all accurate. Think of it like “Microsoft Minutes”. It’s a widely innacurate estimate based on the “real” decay timer which is stored in the server, but gets lost in translation.