Hi is it possible to get your deleted character back? I was in another game playing with controller and didn’t know that it was also playing in conan, and then when I went back in. my character was gone and it had 94% of all recipes from both exiled and isle of siptah… hope someone can help me.
It depends, if you’re on PC playing the single player mode yes,
go to steam / steamapps / common / conansandbox / saved
and rename one of the game_backup_# to game.db
game_backup_1 being the most recent, and higher numbers go farther back in your progression.
If you on a private server, Maybe. It would be up to the server administrator and other players to see how much progression would be lost by everyone on the server.
Done by same method as above, just that it effects everyone on the server.
If you’re on an official server, no it isn’t going to happen, sorry about your progression and things.
If you’re on a console it’s unlikely, but someone other than myself will need to field that question as I am a PC only player.
Maybe @LordKAA can help on ps4 too, I may play on ps4 but playing is the only thing I know how to do, sorry.
If your on Console, and have cloud saves on, pull a back up (or one from USB if you do so)
PC, as mention above, Steam keeps back ups.
Epic store… No clue.
How do I get to my back ups on official server?
Should in theory work the same as steam PC. Just in their folder.
You don’t unfortunately. There’s not a way to restore a single character. Only way is to restore a backup, which they likely won’t do for a single player (it would wipe out everyone’s progress since you deleted your character to now).
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