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Yea the delving bench not give legendary armor recepies they know the bug but still not fixing it after 2 ages and so far i not have seen it in the beta patch nots for the next update
Not sure on that one - it could be what is meant by:
(3 up from the very bottom of the patch notes). Hopefully that means it may be fixed
Quoted for emphasis… because idk… it could be some other issue like just not having the option to delve pieces, rather than actually including the epic version. They tend to find bugs and fix them, rather than address the bugs most people actually care about more.
Certainly possible. Heck, this being Funcom, it could just as easily mean they’ve added some entirely new system to the game where Dwarves turn up and dig Khazad-dum for you and then you get some special armor from that, if you don’t get eaten by a Balrog (they delved too deep…)
Ha not read this hope this is true
Hope they repair It bug before update come out
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