Delving Bench possibly bugged after the update…?


just wondering if anyone else is also having the issue with the delving bench no longer working after the AoH update. I tried it on different servers with several forge-warm weapons (Star Metal Katana and Star Metal Short Sword) all with the same result of the delving bench just not doing anything…

Apologies to bring the thread up again, but is there really no one else having the same experience?

I thought it had been broken for over a year now.

Mhhh maybe, but apparently I was lucky enough that it had worked flawless for me in the past and I just started having the issue after the recent update.

That said, is thee any workaround to get the delving process going once you put a weapon and the 50 Eldarium in?

not that I have found.

Tried it on a freshly wiped (for the update) server - DB is indeed not working.
Attempted to delve a Pride of Aesir bracer and Redeemed Legion boots, to no avail. :unamused:

Alright, now that the issue of vanishing Thralls has been adressed with an at least temporary workaround, when are you going to fix the delving bench bug? @Community

@Community @CustomerService

I’m wondering if it’s really that much asked for to get an estimate for certain bugs being fixed, let alone any reaction. The unresponsiveness close to complete ignorance is an unmatched example of abysmal customer service and still people (including myself) hold on to this game, despite being disappointed regularly.

That said, couldn’t you please at least try to make some effort to be more transparent on bug fixing activities and more open and frequent in your communication about the current state and short- to mid-term planning…


It’s not only that but these are broken elements of the game that people paid for.

People purchased the Siptah DLC and the Delving bench and Vault armors/weapons are an integral part of that DLC… so why does Funcom not give a F that they’re not working?

The Drowned armory armors and the ability to craft them have also disappeared on all servers and it hasn’t even been acknowledged.


Not to mention some factions being un-KOable. Which just makes Siptah that much rougher to start on now.

Though, i guess i did mention now, didn’t i?

Isn’t it just blackhand that are having that issue?
Not very rough starting out there if so. There’s plenty of accursed, stygian, and exiles camps literally everywhere that can still be KOed as usual.
In my typical siptah playthrough I rarely find my way to KOing blackhand camps anyhow since the best spawns for most things are in the other faction camps and surges.

Well, I don‘t think there will be any official reply or statement. That said, I‘m keeping my fingers crossed that this will also be adressed with the upcoming hotfix

The “report received” is the best you can hope for here. It means that they’ve acknowledged your report and relayed the information to the development team. At that point, the devs will attempt to recreate the issue and figure out a fix. It’s unlikely it’ll get a patch that quickly since Siptah isn’t a priority. We’ll see though.

It’s DLC content that we paid for. The fact that the DLC is a couple years old is irrelevant.
This is no different than buying an item from the Bazaar and then having the item and ability to craft it suddenly disappear. The difference is that anything Bazaar related gets fixed almost immediately.

The delving bench, delving recipes, vault armors, weapons and recipes are not free bonus content - they are advertised, integral parts of the Siptah DLC that people have paid for.
If fixing them is not a priority then issue refunds for the Siptah DLC. There are consumer protection laws regarding this, at least in the EU.

Losing in-game “earned” items is a highly subjective area. This isn’t.
Personally I’m sick and tired of content that I have paid for being broken in every single update.

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I don’t disagree, but I know how Siptah has been disregarded in recent years. Delving recipes were broken for a year or so before anything remotely resembling a fix happened. Also, siptah servers are fairly dead. Every time I log in to refresh or play on siptah, it’s mostly empty. I feel if they bring back transfers or link servers, it would be a huge improvement to population on siptah, as well as rejuvenate interest. That hasn’t been a priority. At all. Honestly, I think siptah should be free at this point to stir up interest. Most people except the few angry people that wanna be mad about paying for it years ago would agree. Do I wanna be mad about something being free for all players 4 years later? Or do I want that content to be useful and relevant again? I’ll pick the latter.

There’s also the problem of people perceiving the bench as DLC when it’s not. It is actually included with the base game without buying siptah and can be used without purchasing the map. Most of what’s on Siptah is included in the base game and not locked behind the purchase. Many single player games and private servers make the siptah vault recipes and eldarium and delving available on their non siptah maps and can do so without making the purchase. The only things actually locked behind the purchase are the map itself, the 3 slave armors, and the 2 building sets.
That Being said… yes they should still fix it. There are many great recipes locked behind using it and we should have to use admin/mod magic to make these available to players because funcom broke it and doesn’t care.

It used to be you could share anything with others. Before ages started and bazar.
You can still share any dlc armor or weapon. Just not building pieces. Because you cant precraft anymore…
You can use these stuff from dlc without owning it if someone give it to you, even learn recepies from delving bench and craft it, if you have eldarium.

Now everything is account locked. Battle pass, twich drops, bazaar. If you dont own it. It will be greyed out and you cant use it

Reason for that is probably, they would like you to spend money for stuff and not be able to use, someone make for you

So, if the hotfix fixed anything at all, it was definitely not the delving bench, which probably was expectable but of which I also was naive enough to hope for.

That said, probably time will tell what else the hotfix wouldn‘t fix or what’ a colorful bouquet of new bugs it’s about to surprise us with

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I don’t play a lot of siptah but the last time I did before this update I remember the bench working flawlessly for me. Now I’m having your issue. I have like 300 bars eldarium bars in it and throw fully repaired star metal weapons in it and it does nothing.