Devs, about player slavery

Jailing people tho. Ark has it, and its fun.

You know that RLV in SL won’t even work without consent (a willing subject).

I was browsing mods the other day and there is seems to already be a mod for a jail.

there is an option as I mentioned there should be where you allow people to just control if you would pay attention…

Never going to happen lol, there’s outrage already about doing it to thralls, the SJWs will be in full force if player slavery was allowed.

… this world is retarded… I am gonna have a coma now trying to think about the stupid you suggest was gonna happen but probably will.

I have no doubt that this will eventually be a mod,but I doubt it will ever be anything they implement on official servers. I know this would be a complete deal breaker for me on a pvp server.

that is fine, as long as apart of a mod its cool.

muh fellow pervs agree with me that it should be done lol

Yeah, theyre already swarming, one of the devs, or game creators said in an interview about how he doesnt know how having slavery in game would affect US players, as being from Australia he never had to deal with the notion of it, or something like that. And that triggered a lot of people, so theyre after the game for that, and for having nudity.

Let them ban it. It’ll just give the game more publicity and those bans never work anyway as players just use a VPN or whatever to work around the ban.

has full nudity
both women and men are scan-tally clad sexy products of the conan universe
men in the game usually are a wet dream for these sjw nut heads
the devs had appropriate reasoning for nudity
does this and achieved no A rating
in my world they get a golden medal
they showed me the beauty of barbarianism and got me into conan!
eternally grateful of based funcom by crom this rhymed.

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