Kidnapped Suggestions

Hello Exile Builders!
This suggestion is just a kernel idea really and would need further clarification.

But I thought it might be cool to implement a kidnap situation where (if you get lucky) you could “knock out” a gamer, and place them in a cage or something. And you get to detain them for a period of time, like say 24 hours. After which they are automatically teleported back to their last location or released or something…?

Why? For the hell of it really, assert dominance or whatever.

Just a thought.

Which is something almost every other Survival game has, btw.
It was possible to knock out players earlier, but it was removed.

If you enjoy that kind of stuff you might take a look at mods.
As for the (in my humble opinion) toxic pvp enviroment we have nowadays, I don’t think it is a good idea.
There is more than enough trolling/griefing etc. going on.

In ARK players used to be captured and imprisoned for days or week until either the captor got bored, or the captive simply would no longer login and move to another server alltogether.


Ah yes, those who ruin it for others lol. Maybe a set of control boundaries can be placed on it? Like automatic release?

There is at least one mod out there that you can knock out players. I am not certain which mod it is so unable to assist.

Thrall Wars does allow that.

Oh, so that’s why this suggestion keeps popping up from time to time? I always wondered why people were so keen on requesting something that has no purpose other than RP and harassment.

I rest my case :rofl:


Agreed. This will just raise the toxicity levels to unparalleled new heights :joy:


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