Did anyone have any luck with Njoror Battleborn on Official servers?

Me too.

Thanks for your entertaining quest.

I have to ask though.
Where, by Crom, did you find Hannar of Bossonia?

Shepermuru :slight_smile:
Same spawn spot as the other 5 armorers.

Thanks. I will keep on it. I have gotten several Diana Steelshapers and a Zaora of the marshes there but yet to see Hannar.
My quest will continue.

I’m not surprised you saw that many Beri’s, there are three spawn points where Beri can spawn just in New Asagarth and 2 in the surrounding encampments on the cliffs. Same with Manos; there are at least two, I think three, spots in New Asagarth where he can spawn. There is, as far as I can tell, only one armorer in the whole town, only one spot where Njoror could spawn. Which is nuts.

And yes, I am still convinced that his spawn point is bugged, because I have farmed New Asagarth for at least three hours a day, and sometimes 8 to 10 hours a day, every day since Big Patch Day and he is the one alleged named New Asagarth thrall that I haven’t seen at all yet. I farmed that town often enough to start an Ymir shrine, level it all the way up to avatar, buy the avatar and spend it on a legendary world boss just because. Still no Njoror.

My mind reels in horror at the thought of just how many Steel Bars I’ve thrown away because I had nowhere else to put them.

Oh, and it just gets better. For the last hour and a half or so, no armorers have spawned in New Asagarth on server 1522. None at all. Spawn point bugged out, I guess.

Mind you, someone can be a real evil person and just have jailed the armorer somewhere in a room, K.O.'d thereby blocking the respawn.

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You’re doing a valuable public service. I salute you! Looking forward to seeing the first pic of Njoror Battleborn on the internet.

I have spent 6 days(about 60h) farming both Asgard and Mounds for T4 Armorers. With well placed maps it’s easy to cover both camps in 14 minutes window. I have seen many T4 Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Smelters, Alchemists etc but no single one Armorer. I’m starting to loose hope…

Beri is spawning fine. I captured two of her in one trip around Asagarth general area. Yes, there were two Beris up at the same time on an official PvE server running the current patch. Have since seen her two other times but didn’t capture her.

Any evidence of Njorn not spawning, like did you read that somewhere? Im camping him now too, every other thrall ive gone after, Ive found. Only one missing is Legbiter, and one alchemist for the white/black dye, and a blacksmith for legendary repair kits.

Yeah thats what I figured. Ive cycled Nordheim likely close to 150 times, and nothing there. Legbiter is the exile armorer that makes Epic Flawless Hyperborean Slaver.

Grrr Legbiter is an exiled faction purge NPC. He only spawns during purges that attack bases built around the southern river …the " Noob River".

Also, it’s been 3 weeks. If still nobody has even seen Njoror, than his chances of spawning within our livetimes, let alone the shelf life of this game, is practically nill.

Continuing the discussion from Njoror Battleborn bugged:


Sorry for poking you, Tascha. But I have to make sure Njoror shall not escape his destiny of being put on 200K+ wheels of pain. He’s backside is on SO many people’s list.

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I’ll check asap what’s up with the dude. Seems to involve motivational issues is what my guess is.


I knew I could count on you. Your amazing at what you do :slight_smile: Thx Tascha!
I missed you. Hope you had a good rest.

Thanks I did, it’s good to be back! :slight_smile:
And that’s too much credit. I couldn’t do what I do without they amazing team (CMs, Mods and the whole Dev team).

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This is because he doesn’t spawn. In the city…Anyone who says he does has never been able to provide proof. You can admin him in. Some claim he/she can spawn in a purge within range of Asgarth. But that is also unconfirmed. Many Conan map makers and thrall tracking sites have yet to indicate a spawn location for a reason.

Even if they fix his spawnpoint, he’s going to be stupid-rare. New Asagarth, and the Nordheimer settlements around it, aren’t like the Black Galleon or Sepermaru. The Black Galleon has three armorer spawnpoints, not even counting some of the other Black Hand camps that also can spawn armorers. Sepermaru and outskirts have four. The Heirs of the North, like the Darfari Cannibal and Forgotten Tribe factions, have only one armorer spawn point on the entire map. So even if they make him a 1 in 20 chance to spawn, we’ll be stuck camping that one spot forever waiting for him to pop, there won’t be anywhere else to look while we wait for the respawn.

I really could make a case for changing, for example, one of the carpenter spawnpoints and one of the blacksmith spawnpoints in New Asagarth both to armorer. Right now, other than the Khitan DLC armors, that one spawnpoint is the only source for +5 cold resist per piece armor.

Quick update: This is fixed internally.


Tasha is Grrr Legbiter designed to be an Exile purge thrall? He is the only one that can make the hyberborean armour.

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