Dieing Whilist Offline And Losing Carried Items

Basic Info:

Platform: PC
Issue Type: Item Loss
Game Mode: PvE
Server Type: Official
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1509
Mods: No

Bug Description:

I logged off yesterday with all my items in my inventory. Logged in today to find everything gone, everything from my inventory, my armor and things placed in the shortcuts tab, it’s all gone. It may have something to do with the bug which is causing falling through the floor at random times. Even my clan mate who wasn’t even logged on, died randomly while being offline.

Bug Reproduction:

Played the game as normal, logged off with items, logged in the next day to find everything gone from inventory.

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Same, on PS5. I’m built over water and the glitch that causes players and thralls to drop through the floor activated after I logged off. I drowned and lost everything, including legacy Siptah transferred items I had for over two years.

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Not only because of those frequent bugs and mistakes, but also because of griefers and cheaters I ALWAYS log off naked and with empty inventory + quickbar.

I suggest the same to you guys as well, because one can never know what may go wrong.


When you log off “your character doesn’t disappear/ despawn” (it stays “in the world”) so with a bug like “falling through foundations,” if you’re over anything that could lead to your character’s death: like water drawing them, a height tall enough to kill them from the fall (or something attacking and killing them) then you will likely log in to find that you have lost all your carried stuff.
(This game is so broken; it’s sad).

I had a similar issue in Beta. Checking the logs, it showed I died 100+ times on connect.

I was told that since I was playing on a private server with no bods, it was an admin issue.

Mrs, Mrs Jones strips everything into a box and get up the next day and puts it back on.

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