Dina, Master Huntress

Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Bug | Misc]
Region: [US]

There are still multiple instances of Dina spawning at the same time. The place she spawns under the Great Dam just had two of her.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Find Dina

I think this is the 3rd time they’ve said they fixed the bug, maybe next time

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Hello @Irkalla, thank you for bringing this up, we’re aware that the issue is still ongoing and the developers are looking into it.

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Leave it alone as a BUG it’s a good one. :smirk:


Is Dina good once leveled or just for farming Nordheimer hearts?

Maybe they are twins?

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Have not leveled her yet she’s on my to do list

Perhaps it’s not her name but a title? Lol there could be two people with the title of Dina, master huntress right?.. Please don’t take my t4 Archer spawns. Lol.

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I personally would call you a lucky devil. I have been frequenting that very area trying to capture her for some time now. However for me at least, she is remaining stubbornly elusive.

She starts as a pretty bad archer, she has 0 accuracy so takes a lot of luck to level well

Really? She is literally always spawned below the Great Dam for me. Right below the aqueduct. She will usually still double spawn for me there.

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Ahh maybe that is it. Do you mean down the bottom of the ‘cliff/decline’ beneath the aquaduct…? I have been looking up top, along the banks of the dam and over near Coldfish Camp. I first spotted her on the Eastern bank. Unfortunately I had a Thrall with me at the time, and he minced her before I could disarm him.

Yeah, down the cliff below.

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Ok thanks, ill try to check it out when I get home.

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