Disabled stability with large build causing server crash when replace tiles or remove tiles

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Crash
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: TRON
Mods: None

Bug Description:

As a creative builder, we built a large base 25x25 on a private server ( no mods installed in this server) , happy with the new 3.0 feature, we have disabled stability in our server to allow for creative build without worrying about stability.

We have been building massive build across the map and no issue placing the placeable or ceiling. All of our building were built on ceiling with only few foundation, so all ceilings on a 25x25 build. No issue with stability.

However, after the built is done, we discovered a MAJOR issue for large build like this, when we delete or replace a ceiling, it causes the server to crash. We tried not to do this activity , but last night PURGE comes and the NPC are destroying our floor ceilings and this causes the server to crash every 10 second whenever they destroy a ceiling piece.

This is a huge disappointment and huge bug that was overlooked and no one else in this forum seems to be talking about this bug considering this new feature of (stability disabled) was introduced in 3.0. Initially I submitted a bug report showing this issue, but we have thought it was admin spawned block causing the crash, but when we legit grind for the material, it still crashes the server on massive build like this.

We 100% confirmed that this disabled stability option in private server setting will cause stability problem and server if you don’t have any pillars / foundation / supporting structure especially on a large build. Beware if you use this setting on your server because your server will crash because of this bug, I suggest to no turn on this feature unless needed.

We have a few video showing purge hell, where NPC destroyed our ceiling and crashing up the server, as well as showcasing when you remove a ceiling , the server ping goes up and eventually crash.

I think game suffer a major issue thinking that the ceiling shouldnt be there, but it’s there due to stability is off.

I am happy to provide the dev with my server’s database in order for you to replicate the issue. We have not used any mods and no other setting except for stability = 0 is turn on.

Attached is the server log for when the purge happened and it causes the NPC to remove ceiling resulting in crash.

Video of our build with no foundation (only ceiling). We had to put pillars underneath each ceiling to reduce crashes as shown in the video but it still shows massive ping spike whenever a tile is removed, this is unacceptable as any NPC destroying a tile would cause a server wide lag.

Video 2
Video showcasing how large our build is that is causing this particular issue (no foundation build -initially no pillar but after discovered the bug we put pillar but result still the same)

ConanSandbox-backup-2022.09.29-20.50.47.log (1.3 MB)
Error log:
[2022.09.29-12.50.20:539][786]LogScriptCore:Warning: Script Msg: Attempted to remove an item from an invalid index from array EnemiesDisplayingHealthBars [41/40]!
[2022.09.29-12.50.29:224][ 42]

Script Stack:

[2022.09.29-12.50.29:916][ 42]LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
[2022.09.29-12.50.29:916][ 42]LogWindows:Error:
[2022.09.29-12.50.29:916][ 42]LogWindows:Error: Fatal error!
[2022.09.29-12.50.29:917][ 42]LogWindows:Error:
[2022.09.29-12.50.29:917][ 42]LogWindows:Error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x000008f8
[2022.09.29-12.50.29:917][ 42]LogWindows:Error:
[2022.09.29-12.50.29:917][ 42]LogWindows:Error: !0x0000000000000000
[2022.09.29-12.50.29:917][ 42]LogWindows:Error:
[2022.09.29-12.50.29:919][ 42]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
[2022.09.29-12.50.30:721][ 42]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2022.09.29-12.50.30:721][ 42]Log file closed, 09/29/22 20:50:30

Disabled stability with large build causing server crash when replace tiles or remove tiles

Bug Reproduction:

Steps to produce bug:

  1. Disable stability in server setting
  2. build large build with only 1 foundation, and the rest as ceiling with no Pillars
  3. delete ceiling with hammer or replace ceiling with another ceiling style. This also can be done for purge when NPC destroy your ceiling
  4. Server crash or ping spike to 1000ms



I am on ps4 but thanks for the tip haven’t tried that setting yet and probably won’t now thanks again. @thejess90

This has happened to me on my single player save. I had just moved my base to a different spot and was tearing down the old one which was about the same size as what you described. Game crashed once while I was deleting ceiling pieces and twice while deleting foundations.

It seems like the recalculation for stability has some sort of priority over the ‘no stability’ setting. Like it remembers that stability is supposed to be off half way through the recalculation.

Greetings Exile,

Thank you very much for your detailed report. We will accept your offer and would like the saved file from your database.

Please upload it to Google drive or to a similar platform and share the link with us. Feel free to reach out in private if you prefer.

This is already super helpful. We appreciate your support! :slight_smile:

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That’s very helpful information for some one who has a private server so they can build on it. @SnakeBitezzZ

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I am sure there are more helpful people. @thejess90 . @CodeMage any suggestions?

I got nothing, sorry. Providing the game database to Funcom will be crucial for getting that bug fixed, but when it comes to predicting if/when the bugfix would be released, all bets are off.

In the meantime, they’ll need to either learn to live with the bug or find a way to remove that build. Since the bug crashes the server, if they want to remove the build, they’ll probably have to do it by manually deleting it from the database.

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Thanks my friend. I have no clue about this sort of thing.

Hi there,

Please find the game db here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MyQlzO8RGod7ujNZgf7AAgF0Ank56fyA/view?usp=sharing

The build is at J5. Also just because we build big, doesn’t mean this bug should be ignored, considering the game just have a massive update with CREATIVE MODE and NO STABILITY feature, why should I be punished just because I build big?

Then what is even the point of this 2 feature? So I can build a tiny shack on my private server?
If anyone else don’t have constructive thing to say on this thread then don’t post anything.

I have also PM you my entire Saved Folder.

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