Disabling/enabling clan invites?

Hello everyone :wave:

How can I disable my account from receiving from other players or giving to others clan invites ?

And how can I enable it back ?

I’m seeking a layer of protection from griefers and toxic people who might attempt to trick me and enter my clan to loot me up and leave or attempt to trick me and lock me out from my base.

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I’m on PC, but i’m assuming it’s the same for Playstation.

Go to the clan screen:

In the top right corner there’s a checkbox to enable/disable invites.

That only works for blocking incoming invites though, there’s no option to prevent yourself from sending them.


Luckily it doesn’t matter, you need to make a clan to invite :slight_smile:

Also, I don’t think you can invite anyone unless you’re right next to them and interact with them. I’ve never seen any remote invites from anywhere on the map. Honestly, you have to really try to hard to get invited or invite others in this game. Not sure there’s much to worry about.

It is the same on PS5 or really close saw it last week.

Sadly I can’t find it at the clan rooster which you are showing me.

Can you please direct me to where you saw the option I seek?

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The option to block invites isn’t visible/available if you’re already in a clan.

And correct me if i’m wrong, but you cannot join another clan without leaving your current one first, so i’m not sure what the problem is.

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I quit our clan went to CLAN if you are not in clan top right hand corner says block clan invites. As others have said make yourself a clan and you can’t accidentally join someone’s @Kazalakis unless you are considered about some one accidentally joining yours

I am in a clan as a leader. Does that mean that I am safe from been tricked from griefers by been invited to their clan ?

While I am in a clan, I can feel safe from a toxic griefer’s abuse on the clan invite option ?

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Yes youre safe :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, you are.

The only way to remove yourself as clan leader is by stepping down and promoting another member or by disbanding the clan, both of which require your approval, nobody else can affect that.

And forgive me for saying so, but you’re oddly paranoid about this. We’re not playing EVE :smiley:

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If you are in a clan, no matter if you are a clan leader or not, nobody can invite you, or any member of your clan. The system reads your membership so you cannot accept invitations. There for you cannot accept clan invites if you belong to a clan, or you cannot invite persons that already belong to another clan.

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Yes you are safe

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