Need help to form a clan (ps4)

Please help me kind stranger!

I’ve been trying to work around the issue where two players using the same console can’t join each other’s clan. My son and I both play on the same ps4 with different accounts and would like to build / help each other on one of the official servers.

I understand the only way to do so is to have a third party help by getting an invitation from one player, then inviting the second player.

Looking for a third player to log in and do this please!

don’t know if it still does this, but there was a bug where you could invite an unconscious player. If your son can log out and screen shot location, you can log in, go there, invite. then log out, and he can log back in asap, and accept. Don’t know if that is still a thing though.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t work so isn’t an option. We tried that a while ago and have just retried it in case it had been patched in in the meantime.

Are you playing in a coop game or on a server? I’ve helped people in the past by being a clan member for a moment to invite the other player then being disbanded from the clan. You could always do that with someone if you’re playing on a server.

I’m on one of the official servers, looking for someone to do that. Would you mind giving me a hand?

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