I had another purge today. It was rather disappointing. I had one wave of bandits, aka black hand. I’m not sure why I keep getting black hand purges in Nordheimer territory but that’s the second one I’ve gotten since I moved my base up by the lake. This is the 3rd purge I’ve gotten for this new base. The first was also bandits, the second was supposed to be yetis but they never appeared, and now the third was bandits again with just one weak wave. The exiled lands purges need some work I think.
I gave my thralls truncheons so half of the enemy npcs were knocked unconcious. All of them went underground and none of them returned to surface after leaving render range. This is ridiculous. Please for the love of Crom fix this bug!
Here’s all the relevant screenshots and info:
ConanSandbox.log (176.4 KB)
I scanned that log file and noticed a lot of warnings and errors. Anything I should be concerned about there?