Dissapointing Funcom communication

There are 2 people collecting all the reports and they don’t have to work on the weekends. You are not the only one reporting issues, give it some time and make sure you have sufficient evidence to support your reported issue. They also need time to investigate and see whether any rules were broken.

It is up to you whether you want to read it or not but by playing on officials you agree to comply so you may as well spend some time reading it. You only have to read it once and then you will know that it contains:

Reporting an infraction

To ensure we can provide the best help we can, please make sure you provide the best information you can at the time of your report. This means relaying as much information, as closer to the truth as you can, to help our team evaluate the situation.

If when analysing the report we find evidence suggesting the information provided was false, tampered with or modified in such a way as to provide a wrongful interpretation, we might proceed to exert disciplinary action against your account.

How to contact us
