DLC = Pay to Win (sort of)

Well it used to be that if your thrall knew the recipe, he could craft it - whether the Player Character knew it or not. This was apparently a bug (though I always felt it was a cool feature). BUT it was fixed some time back.

That also means that it would be possible to have thralls with DLC-specific knowledge now, without having said thralls grant players without the DLC crafting rights to the items. So look out @CodeMage, you might get your “wish” (or antiwish, as it were).

I agree. I will use legendary, but never depend on it. My rule on PVP is:
If i can’t replicate due to RNG, then i don’t use it.
Scenario 1: New to server (<2 weeks) as a clan and at war. WE will not have enough time to RNG full sets of replacements in a drawn out war.
Scenario 2: If on a server and have been able to build up, we like to mass produce load out weapons and armor. Not possible to do it efficiently with RNG drops on Armor.

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What you say is kinda true with with regards to the 3 armor pieces you mentioned. Yea I guess it could be seen as pay to win. But realistically, with potions, fish, warpaint and attribute redistribution you can create a build that will give you the same attributes/perks with virtually any kind of armor.

Frankly I think they should get rid of the attribute enhancements on all armor, beef up current method and add more ways of increasing attributes.

Simple fix is transmog. End of it.

But in the same weight class because of PvP, so you dont run around in “visual light armor”, while wearing the godbreaker set.

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I have all dlc and its not p2w. All the cosmetic armours are the same as the beginning armor. You then need to make the armours everyone who hasnt go dlc. At level 60 you can make your epic armour like you could at the beginning in those styles but they have the stats as those available to those who do not have the dlc. So i do not see any p2w here sorry to disappoint all cosmetic.

p2w =

.) they had for a long time a better/higher temp protection then normal armors (this was fixed, but some armors are bugged again)

.) You need ANY random T4 armorer to craft them, where as for the normal armors you need specific ones (from the right factions)

This 2 things have an impact on the game.

Also in some regions, some DLC building pieces are better to hide compared to the normal ones.

Agreed. Mostly. DLC is “pay for a tiny advantage” rather than “pay to win”. It would have to be a very finely balanced war indeed for the difference between one party having DLC and the other not having it to matter.

Starting on a server a few days before someone else, or just having an hour more per day to play, massively outclasses the advantage one might get from owning DLC.

That’s all assuming skill levels are otherwise equal, because I’d back someone with skills against someone less skilled but with DLC every single time.


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